Good morning!
Congratulations to our
Women's Swimming & Diving Team, NCHSAA State 1A/2A Runner-up on
Congratulations to
Leah Abrams, named Swim Meet Sportsmanship Recipient.
Congratulations to
Will Macmillan, broke two state swimming records, won 2 individual state
Championships and named Most Outstanding Swimmer in the State Championship.
Congratulations to the
Men's 200 yard Medley relay team, State Champs--Macmillan, Deshusses, Miller
and Dozier
Congratulations to the
Men's 400 yard Freestyle relay team, State Champs--Macmillan, Bollenbacher,
Dozier, and Deshusses
Congratulations to
Magnus Herweyer, NCHSAA Indoor Track & Field State Champion in the Shot
Put, setting a meet record of 54' 1.75"!
Congratulations to the
following wrestlers qualifying for the State Championship this weekend:
Otto Wolin, Regional Champion, David Veltri, Dante Veltri, Victor Monnet
and Maxim Gaut, Regional Champion.
Mid-State Basketball
Tournament Pairings today:
5:30pm Carrboro
Vs Graham @Graham
7:00pm Carrboro
Vs Cummings @Graham
Good luck, Jags!
The AMC 10 & AMC
12 will be administered tomorrow Wednesday February 17th during 1st Period
& 2nd Period in the Media Center. If you signed up, please go there
as soon as the bell rings for 1st Period.
Announcing Carrboro
High's 2016 Spring Musical: CHICAGO:
Actors, Singers,
Dancers, etc.
auditions for Carrboro High School's spring musical, CHICAGO, will
be Wednesday, February 17th, from 4:00 - 8:00 PMin the
Theater, with callbacks on Friday, February 19th. Please complete the online audition form,
prepare a 1-minute monologue, 16 bars of music, and dress for movement.
If you do not have a monologue or song, these will be provided for you.
All students are invited to participate. No experience required!
Casting will be gender and color-blind.
The meeting for all
students interested in pit orchestra for the spring musical, CHICAGO,
has been postponed to Friday, February 19th, during A Lunch in
the Chorus room (C111). Please complete the online form if
interested in pit. All musicians are welcome to attend
the interest meeting.

Juniors and Seniors,
do you need Service Learning hours? Are you a good role model in making healthy
decisions (i.e. do not use alcohol or other drugs)? See Sergeant Mayfield or
Linda Karcher, Student Assistance Program Counselor, about participating in Mock
Crash, a re-enactment of an impaired driving accident. Our potential dates are April
28th or April 29th. See link for pics of our last event in 2014:
Reminder that Service
Learning hours is a requirement for graduation. See what opportunities there
are, check your hours and so on at:
Interested in going to
the Dominican Republic after school is out in June? There will be a great
cultural exchange and you will have a chance to connect with the community that
CHS fundraised last year for the Water Project and the province where the Muralist
are from.
For any questions,
please contact Mr. Hite
There will be a
documentary screening on Feb 18th at Carrboro HS in celebration of Black
Prince Among Slaves is
a documentary film about an African prince enslaved in America, whose
remarkable story of hope during America’s early years presents lessons for
Good morning Carrboro
High School, my name is Rahim Bobbitt . February is Black History Month.
Throughout this month, we will honor a new generation of black leaders and
black poets on the announcements. Each day, we will celebrate the legacy of
black Americans through either the reading of a poem or of a brief bio of an
inspirational black figure.
Today’s quote is from
Coal, by Audre Lorde.
is a word another kind of open—
As a
diamond comes into a knot of flame
I am
black because I come from the earth's inside
my word for jewel in your open light.