There will be a SkillsUSA meeting today during lunch in Ms. Landis' room, E115.
Are you in need of Service Learning Hours? Sign up to be an Orange County Special Olympics winter sports coach! There are many opportunities all different times and days of the week so check out the flier attached for more information on how to sign up. See the flyer at the bottom of this email.
The Theatre Department will be holding a costume sale during lunch and after school from 4:00 - 6:00 PM today, Wednesday, October 30th in the main entry, right in front of the Theater. Please bring cash or check to make purchases.
Carrboro High School's annual CultureFest is coming up! This year's event will be held on Thursday, November 14th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! More information is available on our school website!
Application for the National Honor Society is now open to all eligible students. You must be a current Junior or Senior with a weighted GPA of 3.8 and have 60 Service Learning hours. Please note that having those two requirements does not guarantee admission. The application is online this year, and it must be submitted by 4:00 PM Friday
Link to the application: Link to application essays:
If you have any questions, contact Ms. Gilbert at
It's time to start working on your submissions for the CultureFest Film Showcase. Please submit a short 2-3 minute video about an international current event or a cultural feature. Submissions are due to Mr. Fernandez-Schendt by Friday, November 9th. See the document linked in the email for more information or contact Mr. Fernandez-Schendt with questions.
Your story matters, Jags. It's time for you to write it! This Friday kicks off Nanorimo (Na-no-ry-mo). The challenge is simple. During the month of November, the National Novel Writing Month kicks off with a challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days. A kick-off interest meeting will be held this Friday in the Media Center at LUNCH for all those who are interested! See Mr. Murchison or Mrs. Jayeola for more info.
After School tutoring will be in the Media Center TOMORROW at 4pm. Bus transportation is available to students. All students are welcome to come! See you there!
Winter Sports begin today. See schedule at
The Smart Lunch subject today is Math
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