Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Student Announcements: October 2, 2019

There will be a SkillsUSA meeting in Ms. Landis room E115 today during lunch to discuss several upcoming activities. Students interested in participating in SkillsUSA this school year are encouraged to attend. New members are welcome. 

CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL IS GOING TO GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND SPRING 2020.If interested, there will be a parent meeting on October 22 at 5:30 pm in room D114. Look for posters and flyers posted on walls all over our building to RSVP. Any questions talk to Dr. Morais in room D114.

Friendly reminder that Service Learning is a requirement for graduation. In case you are unaware, the website is:   If you need to set up your account (or even cannot remember your log-in/password), you can go to   Click log-in. Enter in your school e-mail address and click "forgot password ?". Then you will have a new password e-mailed to you  You can then more easily add the LetServe app if you want..  The first set up may be easier from a computer/laptop. 

The wrestling team will be having an interest meeting during lunch tomorrow, Thursday October 2nd. Please meet Coach Driscoll in room D121 at the beginning of the lunch period. 

If you are interested in a career in the military, consider taking the ASVAB in the CHS media center on Wednesday, October 30 at 9 am. You must use the registration link This opportunity is for Sophomores-Seniors.

If you signed up for Peer Buddy club at Jaguar Jump In, please check your email for a New Member Form and fill it out before Friday. If you are a returning member, please fill out the Returning Member Form ASAP. Our first meeting is today, Wednesday, October 2nd during lunch. Come for free food and pumpkin decorating!  Hope to see you there today!

Do you like sports, games, and hanging out with friends? Do you want to encourage diversity and inclusion? Consider joining Peer Buddy or Special Olympics today! Our meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome to join, even if you're not a member. To sign up or to get more info, pick up a form outside D122 or contact Peer Buddy advisers: Mr. Hite or Mr. Kajencki & students: Eleanor Clark and Jackson Lee. Special Olympics adviser: Ms. Ward, & student: Nicholas Visco.  Hope to see you there!

Howdy CHS students! It is time to find your mustang or filly and find your rowdiest rodeo outfit for our 2019 Homecoming celebrations. This year's celebrations will include a tailgate at 5pm with FREE food, live music, backyard games, and live animals. We will then march together to the football game to cheer the Jags to victory, then return to the commons for our rodeo hoedown. Tickets are on sale TODAY 1 for $10 or 2 for $15.

A representative from Boston University will visit on Friday, October 4th at 1:30pm.  To attend this visit, please sign up in the CIC.

Service Learning Opp! Truth Announces National Day of Action Against Juul Oct 9

Young people are invited to use the hashtag #DITCHJUUL and join truth in holding rallies and other events on Oct 9 to call Juul out for treating its customers like human lab rats. Who wants to take the lead?  See Linda Karcher in Student Services or email

Learn more and sign up here. (Karcher)

Help support your Jaguar Football Team by coming out to our JAGUAR CAR WASH Fundraiser!!!  Get your car cleaned by the Jaguar football team this Saturday at Lumber and Fitch from 12 -3pm on N. Greensboro St.  Donations accepted!!!! We look forward to putting some JagSwag on your ride!

Attention Students who have registered for Swimming: Potential Team Members will be evaluated for three days beginning October 30 on the following criteria: 1) Perform all four strokes legally, 2) Dives into the pool, 3) Turns and 4) Time Trials on the 50 freestyle and 100 IM. The Roster will be cut based on the above criteria. Contact Head Coach Neal if you have questions.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Math

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