Friday, October 18, 2019

Student Announcements: October 18, 2019

Today is the last day to submit resumes to Coach Lathan for the Belk and Jefferson Scholarships.

SkillsUSA will meet during lunch in E115, Ms. Landis' room.   

It is with great excitement that we announce details of our annual CultureFest. This year's event will be held on Thursday, November 14th from 6:00pm-8:00pm, so mark your calendars now! More information is available on our school website!

Girls basketball try-outs will start October 30th, 31st and November 1st, 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm.  If you are trying out make sure you are fully registered and you get your ticket to play from AD Ross starting October 21st. You will NOT be able to try-out without your ticket. Once you receive your ticket please take it to Coach Dillard.  See Coach Dillard if you have any questions.  

CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL IS GOING TO GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND SPRING 2020.If interested, there will be a parent meeting on October 22 at 5:30 pm in room D114. Look for posters and flyers posted on walls all over our building to RSVP. Any questions talk to Dr. Morais in room D114.

You're invited to JagTheatre's Party Season!  "Clue: On Stage" runs Thursday, October 24th at 7:30 PM, Friday, October 25th at 6:00 PM, and Saturday, October 26th at 7:30 PM.  Everyone has a motive in this comedic, murder mystery. Follow the clues to see if you can solve the crime. Tickets are only $5 for students and $10 for adults and can be purchased at the link in your announcements. CHCCS employees can reserve your 1 free ticket using the additional link in the announcements. @carrborohigh_theatre

There will be an Army presentation on Monday at 12:45 PM in the media center.Come learn about all of the opportunities they provide.

On Monday, October 28, there will be a Latinx College Night in Spanish for all high school students.  Please join us at 6:00 p.m. at East Chapel Hill High School in the Slant Room


Winter Sports Tryouts begin October 30.  To be eligible to tryout, students must register online at, submit a current physical exam and Gfeller-Waller Concussion form.  Once you have completed the requirements, you need to pick up a "Ticket to Play" from Coach Ross on Oct. 21, 22, & 23 in the Commons during lunch. In addition, you have to pass 5 subjects from the previous semester with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA (semester) and promoted to the next grade level. You cannot be 19 years old before or on August 31, 2019. Winter Sports Registration will close October 28. All Fall Athletes who plan to tryout for Winter Sports need to register before the deadline and get a Ticket to Play to tryout.

12th graders:  October is Countdown to College Month in North Carolina.  CHS will host a College Application Week during the week of 10/21.  During that week, you can sign up to receive 1-on-1 assistance in the Media Center for a number of things regarding college admissions:  creating your CFNC account and completing the NC Residency Determination for in-state tuition, creating your CommonApp account and/or linking it to your Naviance account, establishing your FSA ID so that you can begin your FAFSA, applying to colleges, searching for scholarships, simply talking about what your options are for after graduation, and more.  You can make an appointment for that week at, or lunches will have walk-in availability.  During this week only, certain 4-yr NC colleges will be waiving application fees for all applicants (students eligible for fee waivers can use those throughout the year) - see to view which schools.

Wed. 10/23, from 6-8pm, CHS will host a Durham Tech-specific information session, to inform families about its certificate and degree programs, The Promise Scholarship ($2,000 guaranteed), 4-yr transfer options including the specific CSTEP and C3 partnerships with UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State, and more.  Assistance will also be provided to complete your application. Parents and guardians should attend with students, if possible, and students should bring your charged Chromebook. Spanish interpretation will be available. Please review the documents required for the FAFSA and RDS components of your application at and bring what you can.

Attention Students who have registered for Swimming: Potential Team Members will be evaluated for three days beginning October 30 on the following criteria: 1) Perform all four strokes legally, 2) Dives into the pool, 3) Turns and 4) Time Trials on the 50 freestyle and 100 IM. The Roster will be cut based on the above criteria. Contact Head Coach Neal if you have questions.

Next week representatives from the following colleges will visit Carrboro High School:  Davidson College, Elon University, Washington University at St. Louis, Swarthmore College, Vanderbuilt College, and Rhodes College.  Sign up in the CIC to attend these visits. Next week's college visits will be held in the media center.

Hey Jags! CultureFest is coming up soon! It's time to start working on your submissions for the CultureFest Film Showcase. Please submit a short 2-3 minute video about an international current event or a cultural feature. Submissions are due to Mr. Fernandez-Schendt by Friday, November 9th. See the document linked in the email for more information or contact Mr. Fernandez-Schendt with questions.

This is a reminder for all DECA members going to Districts on November 13th to come to Ms. Francis room during lunch today. (Ms. Francis)

Smart Lunch subject today is English

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.