There will be a mandatory National Honor Society this Wednesday during A Lunch in D219.
Snowball dance tickets go on sale today, buy your ticket today at lunch $10 for one or $15 for two. Snowball is Saturday, January 27th at Carrboro High School commons. (schrader)
Project Graduation is asking for your creative drawings again. Design a TShirt with a "Project Aloha 2018" theme and win an awesome prize! Submissions are due January 26th online, by email, to the front office, or to Ms. Schrader. More information can be found on the website or at the Project Grad box in the front office!
If you are interested in auditioning for, teching, or playing in the pit orchestra for the spring musical, The Addams Family, please complete the sign-up form located in the announcements: Those interested in tech should complete the form by January 12th, those interested in pit orchestra should sign up by January 19th, and those interested in auditioning, should sign up by January 21st. No experience required to sign up! Email for more info.
Yoga Club tomorrow at Lunch in the auditorium! Mats provided. Namaste
TRU Club Meeting Wednesday January 10th in the CIC during lunch! Please email ASAP if you did not get an invitation and would like to attend. Service Learning Opportunity/lunch provided!!!
Monday's Smart Lunch Schedule
CTE, English - A Lunch
Math, World Languages - B Lunch
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