Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Student Announcements: January 23, 2018

Mark your calendars….Kara Van Hooser, Assistive Technology specialist, will be giving a "Working Lunch" training on PODD communication (The picture flip-book communication system) on Friday, January 26 during lunch in Mrs. Barry's room.  If you're interested in learning more about PODD plan to bring your lunch & join us in D122.  This session will be especially great for Peer Buddies & anyone considering careers in speech therapy, special education or assistive technology.

Please come and see the Students vs. Teachers Trivia Contest in the Library at lunch on Wednesday, January 24. Who will win? CHS teachers or their students...

Join the CHS Quiz Bowl Team in the Media Center on Wednesday during both A & B Lunch to witness the 2nd annual Students v. Staff Quiz Bowl Competition!  Will the Faculty be victorious for their second year?  Come find out!

Campbell University will visit Carrboro High School, Wednesday, January 24th at 9:45 in the CIC.  Please use the white notebook to sign up for this visit.

There will be a Men's Golf interest meeting on Tuesday Jan. 23  during B lunch in the hallway outside the main office/auditorium area. If you plan to play men's golf be there!

Good luck to our Wrestling Team at NCSSM tonight, Go Jags!

If you are interested in auditioning, teching, or playing in the pit orchestra for the spring musical, The Addams Family, please complete the sign-up form located in the announcements: https://tinyurl.com/chsmusicalsignup.  The last audition opportunity will be today from 4:00 - 7:00 in the Theater.  If you don't have a monologue or song prepared, they will be provided. No previous experience required.

The Jags are raising money for Breast Cancer Research on Thursday Jan. 25 at the halftime of the women's and men's basketball games. Halfcourt shot attempts for $1.00.  If you make it, grab a prize from the box.  All proceeds go to the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. The annual Pink Game is on Feb. 1.

Tuesday's Smart Lunch Schedule

Social Studies - A Lunch

Arts, Science - B Lunch

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