Friday, January 12, 2018

Student Announcements: January 12, 2018

Mark your calendars….Kara Van Hooser, Assistive Technology specialist, will be giving a "Working Lunch" training on PODD communication (The picture flip-book communication system) on Friday, January 26 during lunch in Mrs. Barry's room.  If you're interested in learning more about PODD plan to bring your lunch & join us in D122.  This session will be especially great for Peer Buddies & anyone considering careers in speech therapy, special education or assistive technology. (Melissa Barry)

Today is the  last day to get the discounted price for snowball dance tickets. Buy one ticket for $10 or two tickets for $15 at lunch. All dance tickets will increase next week.

Project Graduation is asking for your creative drawings again. Design a TShirt with a "Project Aloha 2018" theme and win an awesome prize! Submissions are due January 26th online, by email, to the front office, or to Ms. Schrader. More information can be found on the website or at the Project Grad box in the front office!

If you are interested in auditioning for, teching, or playing in the pit orchestra for the spring musical, The Addams Family, please complete the sign-up form located in the announcements:  Those interested in tech should complete the form by January 12th, those interested in pit orchestra should sign up by January 19th, and those interested in auditioning, should sign up by January 21st.  No experience required to sign up!  Email for more info.

Home Basketball tonight vs DSA JV Men 4:30 pm followed by Varsity Women at 6pm and Varsity Men at 7:30pm

East Chapel Hill tried but it didn't work out. Chapel Hill high hasn't tried, Can Carrboro do what the others have not? We're talking about composting our food and paper scraps at lunch!  Use the metal cans!

If you did not select your senior portrait online, you should make sure to come by C114 during lunch today to show Ms. Stegall your selection.  If you do not select your photo in person by the end of lunch today, Friday, January 12th, the Rosetta Staff will defer to the selection made by the Lifetouch labs.

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