Home Basketball tonight vs Bartlett Yancey, JV Men 4:30pm followed by Varsity Women at 6pm and Varsity Men at 7:30pm, Go Jags!
The Jags are raising money for Breast Cancer Research on Thursday Jan. 25 at the halftime of the women's and men's basketball games. Halfcourt shot attempts for $1.00. If you make it, grab a prize from the box. All proceeds go to the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. The annual Pink Game is on Feb. 1.
You can also buy Girl Scout cookies at tonight's game! Only $4 a box!
Mark your calendars….Kara Van Hooser, Assistive Technology specialist, will be giving a "Working Lunch" training on PODD communication (The picture flip-book communication system) on Friday, January 26 during lunch in Mrs. Barry's room. If you're interested in learning more about PODD plan to bring your lunch & join us in D122. This session will be especially great for Peer Buddies & anyone considering careers in speech therapy, special education or assistive technology.
Students interested in registering for the Driver's Ed class scheduled to begin on February 12th should see Ms. Lombardi as soon as possible.
Spring Sports begin on February 14. Students who wish to try out for Spring Sports must register online before Feb. 13, submit a physical exam and a concussion form to Coach Ross. After you complete the three requirements, you may pick up a "Ticket To Play" form from Coach Ross in the Commons on the following dates: February 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13. YOU cannot tryout without a Ticket to Play! Free Physicals on Feb. 13 from 5:30-7pm at UNC Orthopaedics 6011 Farrington Road Suite 201 Chapel Hill. You must bring a signed NCHSAA Physical Exam Form to be seen by a physician.
Attention All Students: If you are attending Snowball this Saturday, you are NOT allowed to bring any outside guests! Everyone in attendance at Snowball MUST be a CHS student. If you have any questions or need a ticket refunded, please email or see Mrs. Uzun Byrnes as soon as possible.
Thursday's Smart Lunch Schedule
Arts, Science - A Lunch
CTE, Social Studies - B Lunch