All Sophomores will receive their Pre ACT score reports during Lunch on Thursday. Students with last names A-K will come to the auditorium during A- LUnch and students with last names L-Z will come during B-Lunch. There will be a short presentation for each group.
There is a mandatory National Honor Society meeting Today in D219 during A Lunch.
TRU Club Meeting TODAY January 10th in the CIC during lunch! Service Learning Opportunity!!!
Snowball is Saturday, January 27th. Buy your snowball ticket at lunch for $10 for one or $15 for two. Tickets will increase in price starting next week. (schrader)
Project Graduation is asking for your creative drawings again. Design a TShirt with a "Project Aloha 2018" theme and win an awesome prize! Submissions are due January 26th online, by email, to the front office, or to Ms. Schrader. More information can be found on the website or at the Project Grad box in the front office!
If you are interested in auditioning for, teching, or playing in the pit orchestra for the spring musical, The Addams Family, please complete the sign-up form located in the announcements: Those interested in tech should complete the form by January 12th, those interested in pit orchestra should sign up by January 19th, and those interested in auditioning, should sign up by January 21st. No experience required to sign up! Email for more info.
This Thursday the 11th at 7:00 in the CHS Auditorium, DECA and the Young Feminist Club are hosting a benefit called "Girls Give Back". We have amazing performers lined up to highlight the women in our community! Admission is $5 or a donation of 2 canned food items or winter clothing.
Career and College Promise
Are you interested in earning college credits while still in high school? Come to an information session to learn more about taking classes at Durham Tech through Career & College Promise! The information session will be held Thursday, January 11th, at 11:30am, (4th period) in the CHS Auditorium. The session is open to sophomores and juniors. Seniors interested in summer options may also attend. Parents are welcome to attend as well. To sign up, email Dr. Wooten ( or visit her in the CIC for a pass to attend 4th period.
HOME Wrestling tonight vs Graham at 6pm. Support your Jaguars!
Wednesday's Smart Lunch Schedule
Healthful Living, Math, World Languages - A Lunch
English - B Lunch
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