Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Student Announcements: April 24, 2019

The Blue Ribbon Youth Leadership Institute will have its last meeting for the school year tomorrow during lunch in D217. A guest speaker from Wells Fargo will talk about preparing for job interviews and how to manage your money. Snacks will be provided.

The National Honor Society is having a fundraising (exterior only) car wash this Saturday 11 - 3 here at CHS to benefit the Montoya Scholarship. Any donations will be gladly accepted! See posters throughout the school for information.

As AP exams and end of year testing starts to approach it is time for us to take a day to relax and have fun. Friday May 3 will be our annual Boro Blowout day. You can look at the sessions being offered on the bulletin board in the commons. Then follow the QR code on the board, follow the link in the announcement email, or find an SGA member at lunch to sign up for the 3 sessions you would like to attend.. Boro Blowout Sign Ups

In preparation for Boro Blowout SGA is doing a t-shirt blow out sale, find a representative at lunch to buy one of our C-town shirts for only $5. Once the last shirt is gone the sale is over so get one fast!

Do you like to travel and experience new cultures? Have you thought about studying abroad? It may seem like it is too early to start thinking about studying abroad in College, but it is actually never too early to start. A study abroad program can be an important factor in choosing a school, and the earlier you start planning for it the easier it is to go. If you would like to learn more about studying abroad, and to eat some good food, come listen to Ben Millar, a Carrboro High Graduate from UNC Chapel Hill, talk about his experiences studying abroad in Singapore. The lunch discussion is designed to encourage you to start thinking about studying abroad in Asia, and to introduce you to some common study abroad opportunities for college students. This will be hosted on Monday, April 29th during lunch in Mr. Schendt's Room, Room E218 and is open to all students.

There will be a quick Football Interest meeting in the media center today at 1pm.  If you have any interest in playing next season, please come to this meeting.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Math

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