Thursday, March 26, 2015

Student Announcements for Thursday, March 26th

Please join us on Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 6:00 pm, in the Carrboro High School Auditorium for a Band Information Meeting.  We hope to come up with answers that allow the Carrboro Band program to blossom with a rejuvenated enthusiasm.  I look forward to seeing each of you, and other interested families, on Thursday, March 26, 2015, for a productive and informative meeting.  Thank you for your support of Carrboro HIgh School! 

There will be free after school tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday from 4-5. Tutoring is offered for Math, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, and Social Studies. After school transportation will be provided.”

THE MURAL PROJECT IS HAPPENING: During this week, 2 muralists from the Dominican Republic are here at CHS painting two murals in the upper inner stairwells of the D and E Wings.  TO ALL:  If you would like the opportunity to speak with people of another culture, utilize your Spanish, ask questions, help with painting the mural, etc, then come by when you can.  For more info @ the mural, please see:
ALSO, we are connecting this to a Water Project in the Dominican Republic fundraising effort that we are continuing on beyond this week: Please help us to raise awareness. Contacts:   Lead Student: Leah Simon  or Lead Faculty: John Hite  
Today Thursday, March 26th:  Fundraising for the DR Water Project @ CHS during Lunch w/ Unity Club E112 
Friday, March 27th:  Thank you” Community potluck dinner at 6:30pm
@ the Simon’s house 2511 Ridgewood Road,Chapel Hill. RSVP to:

Upcoming event for after school::  NATIONAL DISTRACTED DRIVER AWARENESS DAY
Monday, April 6th at UNC Children's Hospital 11:30 - 5:30
Take a test DRIVE in our simulator (a real car!) - TEXT - and see how long it takes you to crash!

Are you interested in fishing? Would you like to learn about the sport?  If so, come by D123 any Friday during B lunch!  The Jaguar JigHeads would love to see you there!

Don't miss this opportunity! Attend a FREE Yoga class this Thursday, 3/26 at lunch time in C114 with Lucia Jones, local Yoga Instructor. Come and benefit from her extensive trainings and experience! All levels including 1st timers welcome.

Boro Blowout is coming up! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 11th. Sign-ups for sessions will be happening during lunch. Sessions are assigned on a first come, first serve basis -- so sign up ASAP! Descriptions of sessions are available on the tables in the Cafe Commons. You can also sign up from home using this link

Tuesday, April 7th will be your last opportunity to sign up!

Sign your dodgeball team up now for Boro Blowout on Saturday, April 11th! Forms are available during lunch and in the front of the school by the SGA bulletin board.

Junior Class Council will be selling prom tickets at lunch this week. Tickets will be $60 for a couple and $40 for a single. If you plan on taking a date from another school, stop by to get a permission slip.

CHS Rosetta Yearbook Staff wants you! Think you want to be a part of CHS’s Rosetta Yearbook Staff? Pick up an application outside of TLC #2 or E 216 and return to Ms. Paige  by March 27.

All of the seats for the Durham Bulls field trip have been filled. Be on the look out and listen for other trips in the future, brought to you by the Carrboro High School DECA Chapter.

Are you interested in going to Spain next Spring Break?

Students and parents are invited to attend a meeting for more information on Thursday, March 26 at 6:00pm, in E119.  Please plan to attend, as your attendance can earn you a $100 discount off the cost of your trip.   

                       SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

A Lunch
·  English Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Math Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Healthful Living Tutorial
·  Peer Tutoring Club
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study
B Lunch
·  Math Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  NHS Peer Tutoring
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  World Languages Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  English Tutorial
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  World Language Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study

........and have a great day

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Student Announcements for Wednesday, March 25th

Good morning!

Please join us on Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 6:00 pm, in the Carrboro High School Auditorium for a Band Information Meeting.  We hope to come up with answers that allow the Carrboro Band program to blossom with a rejuvenated enthusiasm.  I look forward to seeing each of you, and other interested families, on Thursday, March 26, 2015, for a productive and informative meeting.  Thank you for your support of Carrboro HIgh School! 

Broadway, Hollywood and a Few Extras Concert
TonightWednesdayMarch 25 at 7:30 in the Carrboro High School Theater.

THE MURAL PROJECT IS HERE: During this week, there will be 2 muralists from the Dominican Republic at CHS to paint two murals in the upper inner stairwells of the D and E Wings. The muralists are visiting classes today of those teachers who requested them to stop by to get input for what should be incorporated into the mural project.  TO ALL:  If you would like the opportunity to speak with people of another culture, utilize your Spanish, ask questions, help with painting the mural, etc, then come by when you can.  For more info about the mural, please see:
ALSO, we are connecting this to a Water Project in the Dominican Republic fundraising effort that we are continuing on beyond this week:
Please help us to raise awareness. Contacts:   Lead Student: Leah Simon  or Lead Faculty: John Hite

Upcoming event for after school::  NATIONAL DISTRACTED DRIVER AWARENESS DAY
Monday, April 6th at UNC Children's Hospital 11:30 - 5:30
Take a test DRIVE in our simulator (a real car!) - TEXT - and see how long it takes you to crash!

Chemistry Club will meet in D224 at lunch every Wednesday for the entire lunch period. UNC Chemistry majors will be on hand  for chemistry help and to just talk chemistry

Are you interested in fishing? Would you like to learn about the sport?  If so, come by D123 any Friday during B lunch!  The Jaguar JigHeads would love to see you there!

Don't miss this opportunity! Attend a FREE Yoga class this Thursday, 3/26 at lunch time in C114 with Lucia Jones, local Yoga Instructor. Come and benefit from her extensive trainings and experience! All levels including 1st timers welcome.

Boro Blowout is coming up! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 11th. Sign-ups for sessions will be happening during lunch. Sessions are assigned on a first come, first serve basis -- so sign up ASAP! Descriptions of sessions are available on the tables in the Cafe Commons. You can also sign up from home using this link
Tuesday, April 7th will be your last opportunity to sign up!

Sign your dodgeball team up now for Boro Blowout on Saturday, April 11th! Forms are available during lunch and in the front of the school by the SGA bulletin board.

Junior Class Council will be selling prom tickets at lunch this week. Tickets will be $60 for a couple and $40 for a single. If you plan on taking a date from another school, stop by to get a permission slip.

CHS Rosetta Yearbook Staff wants you! Think you want to be a part of CHS’s Rosetta Yearbook Staff? Pick up an application outside of TLC #2 or E 216 and return to Ms. Paige  by March 27.

Any student interested in learning about how the Durham Bulls use Marketing to operate their baseball team, there is a field trip scheduled for April 21st. All interested students should see Mr. McSwain to pick up a field trip. You must hurry, because the deadline is March 27, and there are a limited number of seats. Come by Room E115 today!

Are you interested in going to Spain next Spring Break?
Students and parents are invited to attend a meeting for more information on Thursday, March 26 at 6:00pm, in E119.  Please plan to attend, as your attendance can earn you a $100 discount off the cost of your trip.   

                      SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

A Lunch
·  English Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Math Tutorial
·  Arts Tutorial
·  Healthful Living Tutorial
·  Peer Tutoring Club
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study
B Lunch
·  Math Tutorial
·  CTE Tutorial
·  NHS Peer Tutoring
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  Science Tutorial
·  World Languages Tutorial
·  Intramurals*
·  Silent Study
·  English Tutorial
·  Outdoor Soccer
·  Silent Study
·  Social Studies Tutorial
·  World Language Tutorial
·  Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.

Silent Study

........and have a great day