Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Men's Soccer All-State Named

Congrats to Richard Cato and Ywa Moo, who both made the 
2A Men's Soccer All-State Team!

Student Announcements for Tuesday, November 25

Good Morning!

Please claim any lost items, after today they will be donated to the PTSA thrift shop.  Lost and found items will be displayed in the Cafe Commons during lunch.   

Home Basketball Game Tuesday Nov. 25 vs East Chapel Hill
JV 4:30pm
Varsity Women 6:00pm
Varsity Men 7:30pm
Support your Jaguars!

Service learning opportunity in Ecuador!
Spend the first 10 days of summer in Ecuador restoring tropical forest, practicing your Spanish, and experiencing this beautiful country and people.
APES students are encouraged to come but the trip is open to all. Only 22 spots. There will be a meeting in Mr. Klakovich's room  (D214) on Tuesday, Dec 2  (A lunch)

"Come see the 2014 CHS One-Act Fall Festival. Every year, Carrboro High School's Theatre 3 class directs a series of student run one-act plays that vary in colorful ways. This year, we've got 7 great one-acts and it's going to be a blast! Tickets are 5 dollars for students,and 10 for adults. It goes from December 4th through the 6th at 7:30 PM at Carrboro High School. If you're looking for a great way to support theatre, or just the school and your friends in general, One-Acts are the place to be!"

Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prices:
$500 first place
$250 second place
$100 third place
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (rmosher@chccs.k12.nc.us)
or turn in to the box in D221

Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: http://jostensyearbooks.com?REF=A01098515
Attention! Click HERE for Senior Ad information!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Student Announcements for Monday, November 24

Good Morning!

Our CHS Quiz Bowl Team participated in Winston-Salem's Tournament on Saturday.
Both of our teams did really well, with A finishing 2nd and B finishing 3rd. This is the first time four people from our team have placed in the top 10 in one tournament with James (6th), Adam (8th), Santul (2nd), and Max (9th). A number of our CHS students placed just outside the top ten.  First-time tournament-goers Ben and Claude were also outstanding!
Congratulate our Quiz Bowl members when you see them!

Lost and found items will be displayed in the Cafe Commons during lunch.   

Home Basketball Game Tuesday, Nov. 25 vs East Chapel Hill
JV 4:30pm
Varsity Women 6:00pm
Varsity Men 7:30pm
Support your Jaguars!

Service learning opportunity in Ecuador!
Spend the first 10 days of summer in Ecuador restoring tropical forest, practicing your Spanish, and experiencing this beautiful country and people.
APES students are encouraged to come, but the trip is open to all. Only 22 spots. There will be a meeting in Mr. Klakovich's room  (D214) on Tuesday, Dec 2  (A lunch)

"Come see the 2014 CHS One-Act Fall Festival. Every year, Carrboro High School's Theatre 3 class directs a series of student run one-act plays that vary in colorful ways. This year, we've got 7 great one-acts and it's going to be a blast! Tickets are 5 dollars for students,and 10 for adults. It goes from December 4th through the 6th at 7:30 PM at Carrboro High School. If you're looking for a great way to support the theatre, or just the school and your friends in general, One-Acts are the place to be!"

Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prizes:
$500 first place
$250 second place
$100 third place
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (rmosher@chccs.k12.nc.us)
or turn in to the box in D221

Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: http://jostensyearbooks.com?REF=A01098515
Attention! Click HERE for Senior Ad information!

                               SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

.......and have a great day!

A Message from Carrboro High School

Hello.  This is Principal LaVerne Mattocks with updates for Carrboro High School families.  As we enter the holiday season, it is important for all students to attend school daily and focus on having a strong push into the second quarter.  Our instructional focus goals for the year are to use writing as an improvement strategy, implement strategies for teaching content-specific vocabulary in context of what students are learning, and improve achievement for all students while reducing our achievement gaps.  Continue to discuss what is going on in our classes with your child to hopefully learn of the ways we are making progress toward these goals.  

Tuesday, November 25:
To Hospitality Helpers:
The Carrboro High Hospitality Committee invites you to help treat our staff and teachers to a warm and savory Thanksgiving lunch in the Media Center Lounge beginning at 11:45 am.  Please feel free to bring dishes in crock pots to keep them warm and prepare enough to serve at least eight people.  The Hospitality Committee is asking you to SIGN UP NOW PLEASE! This requires a lot of effort and the PTSA needs your assistance. To sign up, go to: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4daaac28a2fa7-staff

The committee is asking for various types of hearty chili, soups and stews to celebrate the season. French bread, biscuits, banana nut bread, and desserts will be most appreciated. Let the committee know if your dish is an old family recipe because teachers appreciate knowing bits of trivia like this. Please label your soups. Some vegetarian options are needed. Thank you for your help.

Wednesday, November 26: Optional Teacher Workday for faculty/staff and no school for students

Thursday and Friday, November 27 and November 28:  Holidays for faculty/staff and students

Wednesday, December 3: Annual Culture Fest beginning at 6:00 pm.  This is a Carrboro tradition that includes a potluck dinner with international dishes, talent show, and informative exhibits of student work.  Please make plans to join us.  If you are interested in participating in any way, contact one of the event organizers, Anthony Swaringen, at (919)918-2200.

Families, we still need your help in making morning drop-off go smoothly. Please drive as far as possible to the right of the front circle to allow as many students as possible to enter the school at any given time. Thank you for your help with this.

As always, feel free to contact the school with questions at (919)918-2200 or visit our website at chs.chccs.k12.nc.us. In this season of reflection, I would like to say that of the many things for which I am thankful, I'm extremely honored to be a part of the Carrboro High School community. To all Jaguar families, I wish you a joyous Thanksgiving.  

Friday, November 21, 2014

Two Jaguars Sign

Two Jaguars sign this week.
Tom Biden will be swimming for UNC-CH
Ben West will be playing baseball for Roanoke College.
Congratulations Jags. You make us PROUD!!!

Student Announcements for Friday, November 21

Good Morning!

We need more COATS!  Please help, we have 79 coats and our goal is 200 by today, Friday, 11/21  .Want to see Ms. Olsen, Mr. Schendt, Mrs. Dumaine, Mr. Stutts, Mr. Rogerson ,Doc T and our Mystery Guest sing and dance to... BEYONCÉ? Then donate lightly used or new coats, scarves, hats, gloves and warm things to Ms. Olsen's room E118! If we get 200 coats by November 21st, then they will make this music video! All donations will go to Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program in Durham. We are especially in need of smaller sizes (extra large is too large) for adults and children. Sponsored by Spanish Honors Society.   Please bring items to Ms. Olsen's room or the Main Office!

The lost and found is overflowing!  Jackets, sneakers, tennis rackets, books, etc!  Stop by the MAIN OFFICE to claim your belongings!  

Most students who start smoking, wish they could STOP!. Join others in taking the first step, and try quitting, even if it is just for a day. Start quitting or pledge not to start using tobacco on the Great American Smokeout. It’s all about breaking the cycle.   See the TRU CREW at lunch on Thursday in the café commons for info and raffle!

Thursday, Nov. 20th is the GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT - GASO!  See the TRU CREW at lunch tomorrow (Thurs) in the café commons for info and RAFFLE for cool gift cards!  Find out how to post your message “What’s Your Why (for not using tobacco products - including E-Cigs) to instagram and enter the TRU raffle!

There will be a DECA Meeting Friday, November 21th, 2014 during A Lunch in the back of the Media Center.

The November 21 basketball games  vs Northwood have been re-scheduled to Dec. 19.

Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: http://jostensyearbooks.com?REF=A01098515
Attention! Click HERE for Senior Ad information!

There will be an NAS meeting to discuss our Winter Project on Friday, November 21 during A lunch.

"Come see the 2014 CHS One-Act Fall Festival. Every year, Carrboro High School's Theatre 3 class directs a series of student run one-act plays that vary in colorful ways. This year, we've got 7 great one-acts and it's going to be a blast! Tickets are 5 dollars for students,and 10 for adults. It goes from December 4th through the 6th at 7:30 PM at Carrboro High School. If you're looking for a great way to support theatre, or just the school and your friends in general, One-Acts are the place to be!"

Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prices:
$500 first place
$250 second place
$100 third place
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (rmosher@chccs.k12.nc.us)
or turn in to the box in D221

                               SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE
........and have a great day!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Message from Carrboro High School -Morning Drop-Off Procedures

Good morning Carrboro families.  

This is a message from Principal LaVerne Mattocks regarding Morning Drop-Off procedures.  It has come to my attention that many families are stopping directly in front of the Main Entrance of the school during Morning Drop-Off from 8:15 - 8:45 so students can walk straight through the front door.  This is creating a bottle-neck and increasing the time spent in the traffic line.  Please remember to completely round the front circle in front of the school and pull all the way to the far right end of the sidewalk to allow more students to be dropped off at any given time.  We greatly appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.  We will continue efforts to assist in remedying this situation.  Remember all the way through the circle helps avoid a traffic buckle!  Have a great day! 

Student Announcements for Thursday, November 20

Good Morning!

We need more COATS!  Please help, we have 79 coats and our goal is 200 by Friday, 11/21  .Want to see Ms. Olsen, Mr. Schendt, Mrs. Dumaine, Mr. Stutts, Mr. Rogerson ,Doc T and our Mystery Guest sing and dance to... BEYONCÉ? Then donate lightly used or new coats, scarves, hats, gloves and warm things to Ms. Olsen's room E118! If we get 200 coats by November 21st, then they will make this music video! All donations will go to Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program in Durham. We are especially in need of smaller sizes (extra large is too large) for adults and children. Sponsored by Spanish Honors Society.   Please bring items to Ms. Olsen's room or the Main Office!

The lost and found is overflowing!  Jackets, sneakers, tennis rackets, books, etc!  Stop by the MAIN OFFICE to claim your belongings!  

Most students who start smoking, wish they could STOP!. Join others in taking the first step, and try quitting, even if it is just for a day. Start quitting or pledge not to start using tobacco on the Great American Smokeout. It’s all about breaking the cycle.   See the TRU CREW at lunch on Thursday in the café commons for info and raffle!

Thursday, Nov. 20th is the GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT - GASO!  See the TRU CREW at lunch tomorrow (Thurs) in the café commons for info and RAFFLE for cool gift cards!  Find out how to post your message “What’s Your Why (for not using tobacco products - including E-Cigs) to instagram and enter the TRU raffle!

Join the Yoga Club today at lunch in room C114 for a FREE class! Go to The Yoga Club fb page for a waiver to be signed by your parent/guardian if you are under 18.

There will be a DECA Meeting Friday, November 21th, 2014 during A Lunch in the back of the Media Center.

The November 21 basketball games  vs Northwood have been re-scheduled to Dec. 19.

Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: http://jostensyearbooks.com?REF=A01098515
Attention! Click HERE for Senior Ad information!

There will be an NAS meeting to discuss our Winter Project on Friday, November 21 during A lunch.

"Come see the 2014 CHS One-Act Fall Festival. Every year, Carrboro High School's Theatre 3 class directs a series of student run one-act plays that vary in colorful ways. This year, we've got 7 great one-acts and it's going to be a blast! Tickets are 5 dollars for students,and 10 for adults. It goes from December 4th through the 6th at 7:30 PM at Carrboro High School. If you're looking for a great way to support theatre, or just the school and your friends in general, One-Acts are the place to be!"

Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prices:
$500 first place
$250 second place
$100 third place
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (rmosher@chccs.k12.nc.us)

or turn in to the box in D221

                   SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

........and have a great day!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CHS AIS in the Daily Tar Heel

Carrboro High School Revamps International Studies Program

This year, Carrboro High revamped the program, known as AIS, which started in 2008."

Follow the link for the rest of the story~

Student Announcements for Wednesday, November 19

Good Morning!

SENIORS:  IT’S TIME TO ORDER YOUR CAP AND GOWN!  On Wednesday, November 19, you may place an order for your cap and gown with tassel and purple hood, class ring, and graduation announcements from 12:00 – 1:00 PM in the cafeteria.  Information packets with the catalog and order form were distributed in a class meeting and extra packets are in the school’s student services office. Bring your completed order form with your $80 down payment to order a package or items totaling over $80 to the Herff Jones table.  Bring the exact amount due with handling and tax if your order totals less than $80. Be sure to place your order for your cap and gown on WEDNESDAY!

The lost and found is overflowing!  Jackets, sneakers, tennis rackets, books, etc!  Stop by the MAIN OFFICE to claim your belongings!  

Most students who start smoking, wish they could STOP!. Join others in taking the first step, and try quitting, even if it is just for a day. Start quitting or pledge not to start using tobacco on the Great American Smokeout. It’s all about breaking the cycle.   See the TRU CREW at lunch on Thursday in the café commons for info and raffle!

Thursday, Nov. 20th is the GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT - GASO!  See the TRU CREW at lunch tomorrow (Thurs) in the café commons for info and RAFFLE for cool gift cards!  Find out how to post your message “What’s Your Why (for not using tobacco products - including E-Cigs) to instagram and enter the TRU raffle!

Join the Yoga Club tomorrow at lunch in room C114 for a FREE class! Go to The Yoga Club fb page for a waiver to be signed by your parent/guardian if you are under 18.

There will be a DECA Meeting Friday, November 21th, 2014 during A Lunch in the back of the Media Center.

The November 21 basketball games  vs Northwood have been re-scheduled to Dec. 19.

Want to see our Ms. Olsen, Mr. Schendt, Mrs. Dumaine, Mr. Stutts, Mr. Rogerson ,Doc T and our Mystery Guest sing and dance to... BEYONCÉ? Then donate lightly used or new coats, scarves, hats, gloves and warm things to Ms. Olsen's room E118! If we get 200 coats by November 21st, then they will make this music video! All donations will go to Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program in Durham. We are especially in need of smaller sizes (extra large is too large) for adults and children. Sponsored by Spanish Honors Society.   Please bring items to Ms. Olsen's room.

"Come see the 2014 CHS One-Act Fall Festival. Every year, Carrboro High School's Theatre 3 class directs a series of student run one-act plays that vary in colorful ways. This year, we've got 7 great one-acts and it's going to be a blast! Tickets are 5 dollars for students,and 10 for adults. It goes from December 4th through the 6th at 7:30 PM at Carrboro High School. If you're looking for a great way to support theatre, or just the school and your friends in general, One-Acts are the place to be!"

Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prices:
$500 first place
$250 second place
$100 third place
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (rmosher@chccs.k12.nc.us)
or turn in to the box in D221

                                SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE
........and have a great day!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Student Announcements for Monday, November 17

Good Morning!

The lost and found is overflowing!  Jackets, sneakers, tennis rackets, books, etc!  Stop by the MAIN OFFICE to claim your belongings!  

There will be a DECA Meeting Friday, November 21th, 2014 during A Lunch in the back of the Media Center.

The November 21 basketball games  vs Northwood have been re-scheduled to Dec. 19.

Want to see our Ms. Olsen, Mr. Schendt, Mrs. Dumaine, Mr. Stutts, Mr. Rogerson ,Doc T and our Mystery Guest sing and dance to... BEYONCÉ? Then donate lightly used or new coats, scarves, hats, gloves and warm things to Ms. Olsen's room E118! If we get 200 coats by November 21st, then they will make this music video! All donations will go to Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program in Durham. We are especially in need of smaller sizes (extra large is too large) for adults and children. Sponsored by Spanish Honors Society.   Please bring items to Ms. Olsen's room.

Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prices: 
$500 first place 
$250 second place
$100 third place 
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (rmosher@chccs.k12.nc.us
or turn in to the box in D221

                                SMART LUNCH SCHEDULE

........and have a great day!