Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Student Announcements: November 19, 2019

Students - we want your Chromebook feedback! Please come to the back of the Media Center Wednesday between 11 am - 1 pm to test out 5 different new Chromebook models for next year's 1 to 1 device! Make your voice heard. Contact Mr. MacArthur (tmacarthur@chccs.k12.nc.us) with any questions.

The PowderPuff game has been rescheduled for Today at 5:30pm on the Football field.  Juniors vs. Sophomores at 5:30 and Seniors vs Freshmen at 6:15. The championship game will follow.  Please come out and support your class.

Winter Sports begin this week. Admission to Basketball is $6.00. Wrestling is $5.00. All CHS athletic passes are honored for home regular athletic events. Check out the schedule on carrborojaguars.com   Twitter: @chsjags

Travel Club interest meeting will be Wednesday, 11/20, in Dr. Morais' room (D114) at 12:35 pm.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Science

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.