Friday, November 15, 2019

Student Announcements: November 15, 2019

We have an EXTRA SPECIAL announcement today. Last night was our annual CultureFest event and included the second annual Film Showcase. As a result of the audience voting, we have winners for our "Best in Show" from each category. From our first category, "Cultural Aspect," the winner is "CHS Goes to Med Deli" which was created by a group of students in the EL Department. From our second category, "Contemporary Issues," the winner is "The Invisible Genocide" which was created by a group of students in the Honors Global Cinema course. Check your emails to view all of the submissions. Thank you to all who participated and extra thanks to Angela McChesney, Tim MacArthur, Myryame Elder, Brett Stegall, and Katie Moorhead for all of their efforts on this! Click here to view all of our film submissions.

Students - we want your Chromebook feedback! Please come to the back of the Media Center on Tuesday November 20 between 11 am - 1 pm to test out 5 different new Chromebook models for next year's 1 to 1 device! Make your voice heard. Contact Mr. MacArthur ( with any questions.

CHS's Shakespeare Competition will be next Tuesday, November 19th at lunch in the Black Box (C114).  If you would like to participate or need more information, please follow the link located in the daily announcements email. Cash prizes are available.  Students should use the link to sign up by Monday, November 18th.

The PowderPuff game has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, November 19th at 5:30pm on the Football field.  Juniors vs. Sophomores at 5:30 and Seniors vs Freshmen at 6:15. The championship game will follow. Please come out and support your class.

The Carrboro Film Fest is this weekend. Discount codes for CHS students can be found in your daily announcements. 

(Discounts: Here On Out, NC Shorts)

Travel Club interest meeting will be Wednesday, 11/20, in Dr. Morais' room (D114) at 12:35 pm.

Smart Lunch subject today is English

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