Sophistikeys auditions will be held today in the Chorus Room during lunch. Come with a verse and a chorus of any song and be prepared for a range test. Can't wait to jam out!
After-school tutoring will begin Tuesday, September 18th. Tutoring days are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 pm, in the Media Center. There will be buses available to take students home. Any questions, see or email Dr. Morais in D114.
Are you interested in starting a club at CHS or bringing your club back for another year? It is that time of year where club proposals are due by September 17. Pick up a form next to the SGA bulletin board in the commons or follow this link to make a copy of the form: Every club must complete a form and return it to Mr. Severance in D120 or TLC 1 by September 17 if your club wants to take place this year and have a spot at Jaguar Jump In. Please see Mr. Severance with any questions.
Seniors, If you are interested in applying for the Morehead-Cain, Park, Bryan or Belk Scholarships, please visit the counseling website or CIC (Coach Lathan) for more information. The deadlines are quickly approaching, don't miss out!!!
YOGA CLUB AND TRU CLUB - see or email Linda Karcher in Student Services to sign up to have booth at Jaguar Jump In!
Scroggs Frogs are in need of help. We are looking for responsible, high school helpers to come to Scroggs in the morning from about 7:25-8:25 am to work with our students. We will meet in Room 108 at Scroggs each morning to work with students on classwork, reteach them a tricky concept, or just be a positive influence. The number of times you help out is up to you; you are welcome once a week or as many times as you want. The main thing is for you to be a friendly face, willing to jump in and do something different each time you help out. Please contact Tricia Billy ( if you are interested or have any questions. Service Learning hours are available.
The Smart Lunch subject today is Math
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