IMPORTANT REMINDER!!! Course registration for next year is starting now!!
The counseling department will be running mandatory Smart Lunch Registration sessions for Juniors today in the auditorium.
Students with the last names beginning A-M report to the auditorium during A Lunch
Students with the last names beginning N-Z report to the auditorium during B Lunch
Sing with us! Consider taking a chorus class next year. It's a break from the day, fun and uses different parts of your brain. See Ms. Johnson in C-111 or talk to a current chorus student.
Are you interested in taking a Theatre, Technical Theatre, or Film and Theatre Around the World course? Speak with Ms. Stegall about which class would be the right fit for you.
Happy Valentine's Day! Come celebrate Frederick Douglass' 200th Birthday! Bring your lunch to Mrs. Barry's room in D122 & join us for birthday cake! We'll also be making cards for the NAACP.
The Theatre Department will be selling student and faculty-crafted bath bombs outside of the Theater today at lunch. Swing by to buy for your Valentine! All prices are under $5, and all proceeds go to Theatre scholarships for students.
Spring Sports begin today. Give your Ticket to Play to the Head Coach to tryout
Please join us for the Electives Fair in the CHS Library tomorrow. Starting at "A Lunch" through 6th period. This is a Delayed Opening so this event will be held during lunch as well as 4th and 6th periods.
CHS will host its annual CommUnity Dinner on Thursday, February 22 from 6-8 pm. This is a free and catered event! There will be plenty of food and several CHS students along with other community leaders will speak about how it feels to be a student of color at Carrboro and CHCCS.
Coy Maddry Memorial Scholarship applications are available from Coach Ross. This is a faith based student athlete scholarship of $1,000.00 administered by the Orange United Methodist Church of Chapel Hill. Deadline is May 1
Come to the Cabaret! It's an evening of original music from fellow Carrboro High students. Concert at 7 pm on Thursday, March 15, on the stage of the theater. Free admission.
Wednesday's Smart Lunch Schedule
Healthful Living, Math, World Languages - A Lunch
English - B Lunch
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