Good Morning!
All Seniors,
Your Senior Group Picture for the Yearbook will be taken on Nov. 7, at 11:45, in the CHS Gym. After the photo, there will be a brief senior meeting to distribute “Cap and Gown” ordering materials. It is very important that you come to school on Nov.7.
Complete your Service Learning requirement if you have not done so already.
Men's Soccer will host Franklinton on Sat Nov. 8 at 6:00pm. This is the 4th Round of the State Playoffs. Come Support your Jaguars!
NEW DATE!! Come cheer on your grade's powderpuff team at the Annual Girls' Powderpuff Game Thursday, November 13th from 6:00-7:30. Admission for non-players is $2. Hot chocolate and popcorn will be sold!
Donate to the Key Club's food drive to benefit the local SECU family house! Items on their wishlist include grab n' go snacks and and individual servings of fruit. Give donations to a Key Club member or bring them to E220!
If you are interested in trying out for cheerleading for the winter season it is not too late. Please register online by November 14 and turn in a current physical. Tryouts will be Monday, November 17, from 4-5. You will be required to be able to perform a Toe Touch and 1 Rhythm chant/cheer of your choice. For questions please see Coach Brady.
Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: REF=A01098515
Want to see our Ms. Olsen, Mr. Schendt, Mrs. Dumaine, Mr. Stutts, Mr. Rogerson ,Doc T and our Mystery Guest sing and dance to... BEYONCÉ? Then donate lightly used or new coats, scarves, hats, gloves and warm things to Ms. Olsen's room E118! If we get 200 coats by November 21st, then they will make this music video! All donations will go to Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program in Durham. We are especially in need of smaller sizes (extra large is too large) for adults and children. Sponsored by Spanish Honors Society. Please bring items to Ms. Olsen's room.
Mock Trial Club
●Enjoy debate?
●Enjoy acting?
●Interested in Law?
If so, you should come to mock trial club!
Mock trial club is a club designed to familiarize participants with law
through experience. We will study a criminal law case and adopt personas from the case. In February, we will compete against other schools in a regional competition in front of a professional judge and a jury of lawyers.
There will be an interest meeting will be in the library during A lunch on 11/13.
Attention all AIS students! Please bring your lunch to the band room on Friday to discuss upcoming activities. This meeting is to make up for our missed October meeting.
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A Lunch
· English Tutorial
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· Social Studies Tutorial
· Arts Tutorial
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· Math Tutorial
· Arts Tutorial
· Healthful Living Tutorial
· Peer Tutoring Club
· Outdoor Soccer
· Silent Study
· Science Tutorial
· CTE Tutorial
· Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.
Silent Study
B Lunch
· Math Tutorial
· CTE Tutorial
· NHS Peer Tutoring
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· Science Tutorial
· World Languages Tutorial
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· English Tutorial
· Outdoor Soccer
· Silent Study
· Social Studies Tutorial
· World Language Tutorial
· Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.
Silent Study
........and have a great day!