Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Message from Principal LaVerne Mattocks


Hello.  This is Principal LaVerne Mattocks with updates for Carrboro High School families.  Last week was a very busy yet productive week at Carrboro.  I want to say thank you to all families who participated in the PTSA Supply Drive.  Our classrooms will be well-stocked and provide a better learning environment for our students thanks to your generosity.  We appreciate the PTSA President and committee members for always thinking of our needs.  Another thank you goes to families and faculty who participated in Parent-Teacher Conferences last Tuesday and Wednesday.  Your commitment to two-way dialogue helps supports our students' achievement and is greatly appreciated.  Finally, thank you to all of you who attended Carrboro's production of Harvey.  Congratulations to Ms. Brett Stegall and her theatre students for a job well-done!  We also send major shout outs to Mr. Todd Lawrence and Tech Crew for all your behind the scenes mastery!

Now, in the way of announcements:
*CHS SGA will sponsor Winter Links, a fundraiser by students for students, until Winter Break.  This fundraiser supports our SGA in fulfilling holiday wishes for families needing a helping hand during the season of giving.  Please speak with your child about how you can spread Season's Greetings as well.
Tuesday, November 11:  No school as we observe the Veteran's Day Holiday for faculty and students!
Thursday, November 13: PTSA Meeting from 8:00-9:00 am...we'd love to see you there! Remember, you can still join the CHS PTSA by picking up a membership form in the school's main office or visiting the link to the CHS PTSA from the CHS website.

Please keep up with all Carrboro High School events, including Jaguar Athletics Schedules, by visiting our website @ You may also contact our main office at (919)918-2200 with general questions. Thank you for your attention and continued cooperation!  Have a good evening.