10/6/14 today's announcements.......
Come see Flintface, Alternative Rock band, perform live in the Cafe Commons
Wednesday, 10/8/14 @ 12:30
Tell your friends
There will be a final Governors School interest meeting for anyone still interested in attending or applying to Governor's School TODAY! Monday, October 6th at 12:15 pm in the CIC ( Guidance suite). Governor's school is a five week long summer residential program for current sophomore's and juniors. Sophomore can apply in Vocal Music, Instrumental Music and Dance.
Juniors can apply in Art, Choral Music, Dance, Instrumental Music, Theater,English, Mathematics, social Science, Natural science, Spanish or French. Applicants will be responsible for:
2. two Essays
3. Two letters of recommendation : One in the area of Nomination or Application)
4 . An Experience form
All of these forms and complete information is available at www.ncgovschool.org
"Girls: are you interested in playing in the annual powderpuff game on November 6th? Contact a class council representative if you would like to join your grade's team.
Freshmen-contact Mackenzie Cox
Sophomores-contact Taylor Gosk
Juniors-contact Carolyn Macleod
Seniors-contact Logan Melville"
Tech Tuesdays and Thursdays are open call, which means that anyone, tech, actor, student, parent, faculty/staff, etc. are welcome to meet in the Theater at 4:00 to assist with show needs. This is a great way for students to earn hours for tech class, as well as service learning.
Carrboro High School DECA will hold its first meeting Thursday, October 9th, during SMART Lunch. Topics of discussion will include future meetings and their format, officer elections (for this year and moving forward), bylaws, upcoming field trips and competition dates, and expectations. DECA membership dues will also be collected. This is a mandatory meeting, so please make arrangements to be present! Very few exceptions will be accepted.
Thank you for making DECA a success so far, and we will see you there!
Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: http://jostensyearbooks.com? REF=A01098515
Winter sports will begin on October 29. If you are interested in trying out, submit a current physical exam to the Athletic Department and register online on the CHS Athletic webpage.
The Jaguar Athletic Department is looking for a PA announcer and DJ for the home varsity women and men's basketball games. If interested, see Coach Ross.
Students who participated in last year's Spring sports, please check the bulletin board by the women's locker room to see if you qualified for the NCHSAA Scholar-Athlete. Must have a weighted 3.5 GPA and above to qualify from 2013-14 second semester. See Coach Ross for a certificate and bumper sticker.
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A Lunch
· English Tutorial
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· Social Studies Tutorial
· Arts Tutorial
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· Math Tutorial
· Arts Tutorial
· Healthful Living Tutorial
· Peer Tutoring Club
· Outdoor Soccer
· Silent Study
· Science Tutorial
· CTE Tutorial
· Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.
Silent Study
B Lunch
· Math Tutorial
· CTE Tutorial
· NHS Peer Tutoring
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· Science Tutorial
· World Languages Tutorial
· Intramurals*
· Silent Study
· English Tutorial
· Outdoor Soccer
· Silent Study
· Social Studies Tutorial
· World Language Tutorial
· Silent Study
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.
Silent Study
......and have a great day!