Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Urgent--Scholarship Information for Seniors

The Morehead Cain –UNC-CH
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill hosts two independent merit scholarship programs: the Morehead-Cain and the Robertson. A student may not be considered for both scholarships at UNC-Chapel Hill at the same time.
The deadline to apply for the Morehead-Cain is October 1, 2014. http://www.moreheadcain.org/

Students interested in being considered a school nominee should go to the above website, read eligibility requirements, and pick up a Transcript Request form (yellow) and a Questionnaire from Ms. Brooks.  The completed Transcript Request, the Questionnaire, plus a Resume should be returned to Betty Wooten, no later than September 10.  
Students are highly encouraged to start the application online.

The Robertson-UNC-CH/Duke
Students should apply directly through the Robertson High School application at:  http://robertsonscholars.org/
The Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill undergraduate admissions offices refer strong candidates to the Robertson Program. All students who apply for admission to and/or UNC will automatically be considered for merit scholarships. If you are referred to the Robertson Program through this process, we will contact you in February.  The Deadline: November 15, 2014
The Park-NCSU
The Park Scholarships application is online and is part of the NC State Undergraduate Admissions application. Park Scholarships candidates can access this special section of the application by either being endorsed by your high schools or by self-endorsing. Each candidate must provide: Names of two recommenders, one official or unofficial high school transcript, Information about advanced coursework completed, and two essays.    A completed “Transcript Request and a Resume” should be returned to Betty Wooten, no later than September 10, in order to be considered a school nominee.  Visit the website at:   http://park.ncsu.edu/apply/  Application deadline November 1.

The Bryan- Davidson
The Lowell L. Bryan Scholarship-an award for top athletes and scholars valued at $30,000 annually. The scholarship is renewable, totaling up to $120,000 during the recipients Davidson career provided you maintain a specified grade point average and meet requirements toward earning a degree.  One female and one male scholar athlete in each first-year class are awarded the scholarship.  Students must indicate their specific sport.  Visit the website below for specific eligibility criteria.  A completed “Transcript Request and a Resume” should be returned to Betty Wooten, no later than September 10, in order to be considered a school nominee.  Visit the website at:  http://www.davidson.edu/admission-and- financial-aid/financial-aid/scholarships/nomination-scholarships/lowell-bryan-scholarship.    Application deadline September 19.

The Belk-Davidson College
Davidson College invites high schools from across the country and abroad to nominate outstanding students with extraordinary potential to compete for the John Montgomery Belk Scholarship.  Davidson’s application or the Common Application and Supplement are available online at:  www.davidson.edu/apply.  A completed “Transcript Request and a Resume” should be returned to Betty Wooten, no later than September 10, in order to be considered a school nominee.  December 1 ,  application completion deadline for nominees.

The Levine Scholars Program is UNC Charlotte’s most prestigious merit scholarship program that was established in 2009 by benefactors Sandra and Leon Levine.  Students must be applicants for freshman enrollment at UNC Charlotte in a baccalaureate program for the fall term immediately following their high school graduation. Students must be admitted to UNC Charlotte to receive a Levine Scholarship.  http://levinescholars.uncc.edu/ .  Deadline for application October 15.
A completed “Transcript Request and a Resume” should be returned to Betty Wooten, no later than September 10, in order to be considered a school nominee.

Danforth-Washington University, St Louis
The Danforth Scholars is a Scholarship sponsored by Washington University in St. Louis.   Amount of Scholarship: Maximum award: Full tuition
Requirements: Scholars are selected by nomination only without regard to financial need.  Eligibility: College freshman.  Interested students should see your counselor, by September 10, to be considered a school nominee.  Deadline for all applications, October 15.