9/23/14 Today's announcments......
Lucky Tray Day - TODAY! Tuesday, September 23.
The cafeteria is giving away a prize to one winner in each grade level. Just check the bottom of your lunch tray before leaving the cafeteria, if you have a special sticker on the bottom----you’ve WON! Peel off the winning sticker and turn it into a cafeteria associate for your Gift Card!
Our annual college fair will be this evening at the UNC-Chapel Hill Dean Smith Center (Dean Dome) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be approximately 105 college/university representatives in attendance. All Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro high school students are welcomed to attend. A list of attendees are on the CIC website at https://docs.google.com/a/ chccs.k12.nc.us/viewer?a=v& pid=sites&srcid= Y2hjY3MuazEyLm5jLnVzfGNocy1jaW N8Z3g6MzMyNTgzM2ZiNjk1NzI5Ng
There will be a Governor's School interest meeting in the CIC on Friday, September 26th - A Lunch. Sophomores and juniors are invited. Governor's School is a summer residential program for students with significant academic and/ or artistic talent.
"Do you want to earn service hours? Do you want to help people in need around the world and in you very own community? If so come to E220 Wednesday 9/23/14 during lunch A to find out more about the charitable opportunities available through Key Club."
Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here: https://jostens.fulcircle.com/ Jostens2015/Packages.aspx
Seniors, start thinking about your senior quote for the yearbook. Forms will be coming to your English teachers in the beginning of November for these.
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A Lunch
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.
Silent Study
B Lunch
* Open for club meetings, enrichment activities, etc.
Silent Study
...........and have a great day!