9/18/14 Today's announcements........
This is a reminder that there is a DECA Interest Meeting TODAY during lunch. Questions about club activities, competitions, membership, and community service opportunities will be discussed. This will lead up to the beginning of our DECA Membership Drive, starting at today’s Jaguar Jump-in Event.
Audition for Carrboro's co-ed a cappella group Unnecesssary Measures! Auditions will be held all of this week in the choir room (in the arts wing); sign up sheets are outside the chorus room. Prepare a verse and chorus of any song!
Intramurals will begin Monday, September 22 during Smart Lunch.
Our annual college fair will be Tuesday, September 23rd at the UNC-Chapel Hill Dean Smith Center (Dean Dome) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be approximately 105 college/university representatives in attendance. All Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro high school students are welcomed to attend. A list of attendees are on the CIC website at https://docs.google.com/a/ chccs.k12.nc.us/viewer?a=v& pid=sites&srcid= Y2hjY3MuazEyLm5jLnVzfGNocy1jaW N8Z3g6MzMyNTgzM2ZiNjk1NzI5Ng
Friday, 9/19/14 - Jaguar Jump In Map Below:
.......and have a great day!