Monday, May 12, 2014

Sport News from the Week of May 5 - 10

Amy Carpenter recipient of the NCHSAA Sportsmanship Award for Carrboro -State Runner-up.

Jaguar Women 2A NCHSAA State Runner-Up...awesome meet Jags! Great Performances!

Congrats to Jaguar 4x400, 2A NCHSAA State Runner-Up! 

Congrats to Helen Morken 2A NCHSAA State Champion 3200 Meters...Congrats to Helen...clean sweep of the 800, 1600, & 3200 by the Jags!

Congrats to Magnus Herweyer 2A NCHSAA State Runner-up Men's discus, new PR! Congrats to Magnus!

Maysa Araba 2A NCHSAA State Champion 800 meet record...Congrats to Maysa! Double State Champion!

Maysa Araba 2A NCHSAA State Champion 1600 Meters...Congrats Maysa!

Fritsch and Zinn 2A Doubles State Champions!

Way to GO Jaguars!