Updates for Carrboro High School families. It is with great excitement that I ask you to help us celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week May 5 - 9, 2014. The administration has events planned for the week but I assure you the best thank you for a teacher comes from students and parents. Remember to tell a teacher, You are appreciated, this week. Feel free to contact the Main Office (919)918-2200 for more information about Teacher Appreciation Week.
Monday, May 5: AP testing begins this week. Please contact Leigh Ann Lombardi (x.25004) to assist with proctoring or Spencer Hawkins (x.25002) with general questions.
Parents, it is time for election of Carrboro's SIT parent representatives. The Carrboro High School SIT has five parent/guardian representatives. Three parent/guardian positions are up for election this spring to serve a 2 year term starting with the 2014-2015 school year. Parents may nominate themselves if they are interested in serving on the SIT. If you are interested in serving, complete the candidate survey form and return it to the front office byTuesday, May 13th. New members attend a districtwide orientation session in the fall to learn about CHCCS issues and initiatives. If you have questions regarding School Improvement Teams, please contact Jane Reeb, Carrboro SIT parent co-chair at jreeb@att.net
For your advance planning, please note Carrboro High School Bands and Ensembles will present their annual Spring Concert on Sunday, May 18th at 3:00 in the auditorium. The concert is free. All are welcome and invited to attend!
I'd like to thank everyone who helped to make this year's Boro' Blowout a success. The students participated in an enormous way and faculty were able to forge many new relationships during the sessions. Congratulations to our Student Government Association officers and advisor, Mark Kadlecik, for a job well-done.
I appreciate your attention and consideration. It's a great time to be a Carrboro Jaguar!