Principal's Message for the Week of May 12th
Let me begin by stating last night's Prom 2014 was a huge success!
Congratulations to the Junior Class Council and their advisor, Whitney Walker, for creating an ambiance reminiscent of an enjoyable evening in New York City! Here are updates for Carrboro High School families for the week of May 12th - 16th. (1) The CHS School Improvement Team will meet on Tuesday, May 13, at 5:30 pm in the Media Center. This is a public meeting. Feel free to join us! (2) The annual spring symphonic band concert is Sunday, May 18, at 3:00 pm in the auditorium. The concert is free! All are welcome and invited to attend.
(3) "Five Days in Spring" will continue each week until May 23rd. The four core areas (English, Math, Science, & Social Studies) have determined greatest areas of need in specific courses. These concept-driven sessions are held during lunch according to the following schedule: Monday-Math, Tuesday-Science, Wednesday-Social Studies, and Friday-English. For more information, contact your child's administrator or the Guidance Department at (919) 918-2200.(4) It is not too late to buy a yearbook! Yearbooks are still on sale and can still be purchased online through the school's website until May 15 for $80. They are going fast, so get yours today!(5) AP Testing is ongoing this week. Contact Spencer Hawkins (x. 25002) or Leigh Ann Lombardi (x. 25004) if you would like to serve as a proctor or if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration and continued support of Carrboro High School. It remains a great time to be a Carrboro Jaguar!