There is a mandatory SkillsUSA meeting in E115, Ms. Landis' Room, during lunch today. All members who are planning to attend the SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference in April need to attend.
Students interested in joining the military. Make plans to take the ASVAB on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 9 am in the CHS media center. Register at the link provided
February is CTE Month and the CTE department invites everyone in our community to visit our school during the month of February to check out our CTE programs, classes, and students' work and accomplishments.
Spring Sports will begin on February 12. Students who are interested in trying out must complete the online registration
( , have a current physical exam on file and a completed Gfeller-Waller Concussion form. Students must have all three requirements completed before picking up a Ticket To Play. Ticket to Play dates are February 6, 7 and 10. REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON FEBRUARY 11 AT 3PM. For more information contact your head coach or Coach Ross, Athletic Director.
Don't forget to donate to the Australian Wildfire Relief Fundraiser in your 4th period or venmo Emery-Hoos to win a pizza party.
It is signing day for NCAA Football. JaNy Alston, Braden Hunter and TK Paisant will announce their choices at 3:30pm in the gym. Teammates are invited with permission of their 7th period teacher. Congratulations to our Jags!
Lowe's Home Improvement is hosting all-day hiring events on Wednesday, Feb. 5 between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. All sessions will provide information on applying, training and working at Lowe's.
Would you like to play in the pit orchestra for the musical? We are seeking 2 clarinets, 1 bass clarinet, and 1 tenor sax player. Email Mr. Spillman ( ASAP if interested.
This Saturday, February 8th, JagTheatre is holding a Community Workday in the auditorium from 10AM-5PM. All students, families, friends, faculty, and staff are welcome to drop in to participate at any point. No experience is required. Service learning hours are available.
In honor of the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action, activist and former senator Floyd McKissick will be speaking in the media center and hosting a Q/A tomorrow during lunch to discuss his connection to the civil rights movement.
Smart Lunch subject today is Math
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.