February is CTE Month and the CTE department invites everyone in our community to visit our school during the month of February to check out our CTE programs, classes, and students' work and accomplishments.
Spring Ticket To Play forms available today at lunch only in the Commons. Last day to pick up forms. See Coach Ross.Spring Sports begins on Wed. Feb. 12 after school. Baseball and Softball at the ball diamonds. Men's lacrosse at the practice field. Women's Soccer, Women's Lacrosse and Track at the Stadium. Men's Tennis at the tennis courts. Men's Golf will be announced.
Want to earn Honors Credit for being in chorus? Auditions will be held Tuesday-Friday next week in the choir room during lunch, before school, and after school. See Ms. Puhala or email for details, and to sign up for your preferred audition time.
Looking for a class to add to your course registration? Take a Theatre, Technical Theatre course, or Honors Global Cinema and Filmmaking. Sign up for a course when you register, and speak with Ms. Stegall in C114 if you have questions. There's a place for everyone!
Would you like to play in the pit orchestra for the musical? We are seeking 2 clarinet, 1 bass clarinet, and 1 tenor sax player. Email Mr. Spillman (cspillman@chccs.k12.nc.us) ASAP if interested.
The Smart Lunch subject today is Science
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.