Monday, September 30, 2019

Student Announcements: September 30, 2019

SkillsUSA will meet in Ms. Landis room, E115, during lunch this Wednesday to discuss upcoming activities. All members and anyone interested in joining are welcome. 

CARRBORO HIGH SCHOOL IS GOING TO GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND SPRING 2020.If interested, there will be a parent meeting on October 22 at 5:30 pm in room D114. Look for posters and flyers posted on walls all over our building to RSVP. Any questions talk to Dr. Morais in room D114.

Friendly reminder that Service Learning is a requirement for graduation. In case you are unaware, the website is:   If you need to set up your account (or even cannot remember your log-in/password), you can go to   Click log-in. Enter in your school e-mail address and click "forgot password ?". Then you will have a new password e-mailed to you  You can then more easily add the LetServe app if you want..  The first set up may be easier from a computer/laptop. 

This week is Banned Books Week! It's a time to celebrate your freedom to read! Books featured during this week have been targeted for removal or restricted access to read.  Countless book titles have been challenged or banned, including well known titles such as Winnie the Pooh. Stop by the Media Center to learn about historical and current attempts to censor books in libraries and schools.  Celebrate your right to READ!


Try-outs for Girl's basketball will start Wednesday October 31 @ 4:00 pm.  You must have a current physical, register on school website register an athlete , and have all required forms and meet eligiblity requirements. You can see Coach Dillard if you have any questions.

After-school tutoring is FINALLY here!  If you need extra help in any of your core classes, come to the Media Center for after-school tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning TOMORROW!  Stop by, sign in, and get tutored!

Do you like sports, games, and hanging out with friends? Do you want to encourage diversity and inclusion? Consider joining Peer Buddy or Special Olympics today! Our meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome to join, even if you're not a member. To sign up or to get more info, pick up a form outside D122 or contact Peer Buddy advisers: Mr. Hite or Mr. Kajencki & students: Eleanor Clark and Jackson Lee. Special Olympics adviser: Ms. Ward, & student: Nicholas Visco.  Hope to see you there!

Attention Jags! Do you need service learning hours?  Consider being a peer tutor during after-school tutoring on Tuesdays/Thursdays!  Help your peers excel in subjects like English, Math 1 & 2, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, US History, and more!  If you're a rock star in any of these subjects or speak more than one language, consider being a peer tutor today!  Contact Mrs. Jayeola (Jah-yay-hola) -  through the email in the announcements.  

Our Durham Tech Liaison, Ms. McAlister is on campus every Wednesday. Email her at to make an appointment.

The College of Charleston will have a representative visiting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 1:30pm.  Sign up in the CIC to attend this visit.

Winter Sports officially begins on October 30.  To tryout, a student must be registered online at, submit a current physical exam on the NCHSAA form and a Gfeller-Waller concussion form.  October 21-23 Ticket to Play in the Commons. See Coach Ross for more details.

The SmartLunch subjects today are: CTE, World Languages, Arts and Healthful Living

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.