Seniors, please check the Scholarship link for the most up to date information on scholarships, including dates and deadlines for the Morehead, Park, and Bryan scholarships! APPLY, APPLY, APPLY!!!
A representative from Washington and Lee will visit today at 12:45pm. Tomorrow a representative will visit from Dartmouth college at 12:45pm. Please sign up to attend these visits in the CIC.
Looking for a service learning opportunity? Visit the Theater after school to help build, paint, sew, program, and much more! No experience required. We'll teach you how to use the tools and train you in our wood shop, costume shop, and/or catwalks above the Theater. Check the schedule in your announcements email for more info.
Freshman - come to the freshman class council meeting tomorrow at Lunch in Room E214!
All juniors interested in junior class council, please meet with Mr. Murchison in room D212 during lunch on Monday, September 23rd.
This is a reminder for all DECA members to come to Ms. Francis' room during lunch today for the 2019/2020 Kick-off meeting. If you did not sign up for DECA during Jaguar Jump-in come on by and see how this club can set you up for future career success...YES, there will be snacks!
Interested in running for Student Government, pick up your form today in the front office or from Mr Severance in D120. Links to the file can also be found on SGA social media. Elections are next week!
The Smart Lunch subject today is Social Studies
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.