Do you want a chance to impact young minds and experiment with augmented reality? Do you want SERVICE LEARNING HOURS without leaving your school? Then look no further!
We are looking for students who would love to learn how to use simple digital tools to help reinvent how technology can be used with our youngest learners. Things you could create include:
Narrating an audio story with sounds telling students when to turn the page giving our youngest readers hundreds of books.
Developing an audio story in another language to give students access to English books narrated in their native languages.
Creating career pathway adventures for elementary kids to learn about careers in Virology, Photography, Painting, Engineer, and ER Veterinarians to list a few.
We need your help!! Use the link below to sign up for an informational session in the Media Center during lunch. Sign up here -->Narrating Stories and Earning Volunteer Service Hours! For any questions, please see Mrs. Jayeola (Jah-yay-Hola) or Mr. MacArthur (Mack-R-thur) in the Media Center, or feel free to email them with questions [ and].
Carrboro Kings will be meeting in room E114 today during lunch. Please feel free to bring your lunch.v
Please contact Mr. Hite if you are interested in going on a CHS exchange to the Dominican Republic in mid to late June 2019. Here is info about what we have done in the past:
If interested, then please fill out the form after talking with parents/guardians:
We want students of all economic means to be able to go, so may have to do some fundraising.
Spring Sports Registration is open until February 12. Spring Sports tryouts will begin on February 13, 2019. Register online at Must have a current physical exam and complete concussion form before trying out.
Mr. Alcox 5th period class should report to Mr. Cone's class (E221) at 12:45 for a movie screening
The Smart Lunch subjects today are CTE, World Language, Arts, and Healthful Living
All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.