Thursday, May 24, 2018

Student Announcements: May 24, 2018

Are you missing keys? Glasses? Various and/or sundry items? See Mrs. Jackson in the front office. She has baskets of found objects for your scrutiny. Anything unclaimed by the end of school will be discarded.

This Sunday (May 27th) we will be having a Silent Auction (Goods & Services) fundraising event in support of the Ugandan Water Project with food, music, auctioning, and fun on the afternoon from 2pm to 4pm at Carrboro High School.  We have a goal of between $6,000 and $8,000.

We will collect out in front of the school tomorrow (Friday) morning.

If you would like to make a donation online, then please go to:

or via ALL WE ARE:

To learn more about the project, go to:

If you are interested in getting more details or have any questions please contact us (Gabby Adams & John Hite) at  or   

Are you the best of the best? There will be an Elite Cheer interest meeting in D121 Today  during A lunch! Please email Coach Baker or stop by the CIC (Mrs. Brooks) for more information.

Hello Sophomores!
As the end of the year approaches, we're all getting ready to rise another grade level. The same is true for the 8th graders (incoming freshmen). This year, we're looking for 20 JAGs -Junior Advisory Guide- to help the incoming freshmen assimilate into our beautiful and welcoming Carrboro environment. We're looking forward to a great year with a new SPOTs and JAGs program! Please note that this form is DUE ON MAY 30th.

If you have any questions please contact:

Kevin O'Donnell (President)

Audrey Carson (VP)

Howard Chu (VP)

If you have a student locker, please remember to clean it out before June 8th. All items left in lockers after that date will be donated to the PTSA Thrift Shop.


Thursday's Smart Lunch Schedule

Arts, Science - A Lunch

CTE, Social Studies - B Lunch

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