Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Student Announcements: May 1, 2018

Attention All Students: This year's Boro Blowout will be this Friday, May 4!  Plase sign up for your sessions in front of the media center during lunch, or check the student announcements email for a link to the sign-up form.  Also, the last day to sign up for the Dodgeball Tournament will be this Wednesday, May 2. www.bit.ly/boroblowout2018

Boro Blowout Information -- READ CAREFULLY!

  • ere is the SCHEDULE for Boro Blowout, which is this Friday, May 4!!

    • Session Rosters and Locations will be posted later this week. These will reflect those students who registered during the registration window.

  • Friday will be a CLOSED CAMPUS. The school cafe will be serving a special BBQ-style menu, and the Kona Ice Truck will be on site.  You must bring cash for Kona Ice. If these options do not interest you, then you can pack your lunch.

  • Dodgeball Participation - If you signed up to play in the annual dodgeball tournament, your attendance and participation in all three Boro Blowout Sessions is mandatory. Students will receive a special wristband at each session to confirm their participation. Any student without all three wristbands will not be eligible to play in their team's opening round game.

  • Dress Code Reminder - Please remember that all students are still expected to abide by the CHS Dress Code on this day. This is particularly important for those planning to participate in the Dunk Tank and other outdoor activities. Swimsuits are strictly forbidden and all other attire should be school appropriate. CHS administration and faculty will be enforcing this and reserve the right to make a final decision regarding the appropriateness of your attire.

Congratulations to the newly elected SGA senators and officers!  
Sophomore Senator: Amanda Tsuetaki
Junior Senator: Fiona Galinsky
Senior Senator: Spenser Barry
Chief of Media: Ben Tignor
Treasurer: Nicholas Osborne
Secretary: Isabel Simmons
Vice President: Hank Hultman
President: Ojas Patwardhan

Mid-State Conference Tournament Home Softball vs River Mill Academy at 5:15pm.  The first 20 students get in free, Go Jags! Athletic passes can not be honored for this event.

Do you want to get involved with local government? Do you care about making change in chapel hill? Do you want to make sure teen voices are heard? If you answered yes to any of these questions come to the Chapel Hill Youth Council interest meeting today in room E218 to learn about the application and have your questions answered!

We will be having a Silent Auction (Goods & Services) fundraising event in support of the Ugandan Water Project with food, music, auctioning, and fun on the afternoon of Sunday May 27th from 2pm to 4pm at Carrboro High School.  We have a goal of between $6,000 and $8,000. We will be collecting donations in front of the school by the traffic circle tomorrow (Wednesday, May 2nd) and other days each week.

If you would like to make a donation online, then please go to: http://ugandanwaterproject.mydagsite.com/

or via ALL WE ARE: https://allweare.org/donate/

To learn more about the project, go to:


If you are interested in getting more details or have any questions please contact us (Gabby Adams & John Hite) at gmadams@students.chccs.k12.nc.us  or jhite@chccs.k12.nc.us   

Are you an AP Student or have a friend that is about to take an AP Exam?: The Global Community Club will selling AP care package. Send a care package to your friends! Find the Global Community Club during lunch Monday 4/30 through Friday 5/11.

Students interested in teching the Theatre 4 show should meet in the Blackbox during lunch tomorrow, Thursday, May 3rd..

And last, but not least, please congratulate our own AD Ross on being named the NCHSAA Athletic Director of the Year!


This year's Dave Harris Athletic Director of the Year Award is presented to April Ross from Carrboro High School. Ross has been the Athletic Director at Carrboro since 2008. The school has enjoyed immense success with hundreds of scholar athletes, 23 state championships and six Wells Fargo State Cups. Prior to Carrboro, Ross worked as Athletic Director at Briggs High School in Columbus. She is a member of the NIAAA and NCADA and holds a current Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA) and Certified Interscholastic Coach (CIC) certifications. When she coached at Tarboro High School for 15 years, her 1990 basketball team reached the 3A state finals. Ross was a four-year letter winner in basketball at Bath High School and East Carolina University.

Tuesday's Smart Lunch Schedule

Social Studies - A Lunch

Arts, Science - B Lunch

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