Seniors! If you would like to purchase a class of 2018 t-shirt to support senior gift and senior week, please visit the link in the announcement email (https://www.k12paymentcenter.
Do you need Service Learning Hours? Do you want to help someone? Special Olympics needs volunteers for this Saturday's Track Meet at East. Sign up through the link in Daily Announcements
Jaguars and Teachers, we need your help! HighSchool OT has nominated Quincy Monday for Wrestler of the Year and Destiny Cox nominated for Volleyball Player of the Year, but we need you to vote each day for Quincy and Destiny! Deadline is May 13 at 11:59pm. Vote! Vote! Vote!
Here's the link to the ballot where people can vote:
This year's Boro Blowout will be on Friday, May 4! Please sign up for your sessions in front of the media center during lunch, or click on this link and sign up using your student email:
Please be advised that bus #97 will be replaced with bus #243, beginning this afternoon, April 25th.
Wednesday's Smart Lunch Schedule
Healthful Living, Math, World Languages - A Lunch
English - B Lunch
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