Friday, December 8, 2017

Student Announcements: December 8, 2017

Game Design Club will meet today in Ms. Landis’ Room E115, during B Lunch.

Ukulele Club will meet Monday, in Ms. Landis’ Room E115, during A Lunch.

There will be a SkillsUSA Officer’s meeting in Ms. Landis’ Room E115, Monday, during B Lunch.

The American Red Cross and the CHS Red Cross Club will be hosting our Winter Blood Drive on Thursday, December 14 in the gym from 8:30am-1:30pm. Come signup during lunch in front of the library soon to donate blood and save a life before the holidays!

All grades can anonymously buy a candy cane for a friend this week during lunch! They’re $1. Look for the Freshman Class Council table outside the library.

The wrestling team has joined forces with the cancer awareness club for its 4th annual Takedown cancer game drive.  They are collecting new board games and gift cards for the pediatric cancer patients at UNC.  Please see Ms Veltri in room D122 or look for drop boxes throughout the school if you would like to donate an item.

Carrboro High School’s annual One-Act Festival will be December 14th-16th at 7:30 PM in the Blackbox Theater (C114). Please buy your tickets online at as seating will be limited. We hope you can come out to see these eight amazing, student-led shows!

Home JV Women and Men Basketball games tonight vs Chapel Hill 5pm/6:30pm, Go Jags!