The American Red Cross and the CHS Red Cross Club will be hosting our Winter Blood Drive on Thursday, December 14 in the gym from 8:30am-1:30pm. Come sign up during lunch in front of the library soon to donate blood and save a life before the holidays!
Attention fourth period: please remember to donate towards Winter Links the rest of the week.
Home Basketball Game tonight vs Cedar Ridge JV Men 4:30pm/ Varsity Women 6pm/Varsity Men 7:30pm, Bring you Jaguar Pride!
The wrestling team has joined forces with the cancer awareness club for its 4th annual Takedown cancer game drive. They are collecting new board games and gift cards for the pediatric cancer patients at UNC. Please see Ms Veltri in room D122 or look for drop boxes throughout the school if you would like to donate an item.
Wednesday’s Smart Lunch Schedule
Healthful Living, Math, World Languages - A Lunch
English - B Lunch