Friday, December 1, 2017

Student Announcements: December 1, 2017

Culture Fest is today Friday, December 1st and will begin at 6:00pm in the Cafe Commons with our potluck. If you plan to contribute a dish, please indicate so through the Google Form Link (provided here). The programming portion of CultureFest will begin at 7:00pm in the Auditorium and will feature the PTSA Reflections awards, performances from CHS students and families, as well as a video presentation created by students in collaboration with Mr. Murchison and Mr. Hite. This event is free and open to everyone. Attendees for CultureFest should enter through the main entrance of the building.

Ukulele Club Members and SkillsUSA members, please drop by Ms. Landis’ Room, E115, during A Lunch today.

Game Design Club will meet in Ms. Landis’ Room, E115, during B Lunch today.

The American Red Cross and the CHS Red Cross Club will be hosting our Winter Blood Drive on Thursday, December 14 in the gym from 8:30am-1:30pm. Come signup during lunch in front of the library soon to donate blood and save a life before the holidays!

Fourth period teachers, be sure to collect winter Links money from your students during class. Student Govt will be coming around today for the first collection of donations.

Sophomores: Are you interested in accelerating your education? Would you like to take FREE college courses while still in high school? If so, you should consider applying to Middle College High School at Durham Technical Community College! Middle College is a public high school that was established jointly by Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, Durham Public Schools, and Orange County Schools. Students may apply for admission and if accepted, transfer to Middle College where they will have the opportunity to graduate from high school with two FREE years of transferable college credit or a career certification. All high school courses are taught at the honors level and college courses are taught by DTCC college instructors. The application period for Middle College High School will run from January 8-31, 2018. If you wish to learn more,  an MCHS staff member will visit Carrboro High School on Tuesday, December 5th at 12:15 in the CIC to speak with interested students. Students may sign up in advance in the white notebook in the CIC. Lastly, if you have questions about Middle College High School, you may contact Mr. William Evans (MCHS College Liaison) at 919-536-7203, ext.2.

Home Basketball Game tonight vs Chapel Hill  Varsity Women at 6pm followed by Varsity Men, Bring it Jags!