Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Student announcements - April 26, 2017

Good morning,

Yoga Club will meet on this Thursday during lunch. Look for us on the stage, C114 or outside the C-wing doors! Mats available. No experience necessary. De-stress with us! Namaste.

Boro Blowout Information -- READ CAREFULLY!
  • Here is the SCHEDULE for Boro Blowout, which is this Friday, April 28th!!
    • Session Rosters and Locations will be posted later this week. These will reflect those students who registered during the registration window.
  • Never registered for sessions?
    • Visit the SGA tables located in each wing during 4th period and in the commons during lunch. SGA representatives will have pre-made hard copy schedules for you to select from based on availability. This will be your official “pass” to the sessions on Friday. See Mr. Schendt with questions.
  • Friday will be a CLOSED CAMPUS. This means that you will need to pack a lunch OR bring money for a special “BBQ Blowout” menu and Kona Ice. See FLYER for details.
  • Dodgeball Participation - If you signed up to play in the annual dodgeball tournament, your attendance and participation in all three Boro Blowout Sessions is mandatory. Students will receive a specialized wristband at each session to confirm their participation. Any student without all three wristbands will not be eligible to play in their team’s opening round game.
  • Dress Code Reminder - Please remember that all students are still expected to abide by the CHS Dress Code on this day. This is particularly important for those planning to participate in the Dunk Tank and other outdoor activities. Swimsuits are strictly forbidden and all other attire should be school appropriate. CHS administration and faculty will be enforcing this and reserve the right to make a final decision regarding the appropriateness of your attire.

Current Sophomores, are you interested in being a JAG next year and helping incoming freshmen? Please click this link for a copy of the application. A hard copy will need to be turned in to Ms. Montgomery in D117 or D111 by Friday, April 28th at the end of the day. Please do not email her your application.

If interested in teching Theatre 4’s 10-Year Review, which will be 10 scenes and 10 songs from the last 10 years of Carrboro Theatre's Mainstage shows, please complete the survey on your email announcements as soon as possible this week.

Rising Juniors and Seniors  please check your e-mail (this link) for your invitation to apply for the National Honors Society. The requirements are a weighted GPA of 3.8 or above and 60 documented service learning hours.  Please return a hard copy of the application to Ms. Barkdolloni prior to the end of the day on May 5th in TLC1.

Pictures were taken at prom by a Lifetouch representative and are online at the following link The password is: CARRHSPROM17
Have a great day!