Thursday, April 20, 2017

Student announcements - April 20, 2017

Good morning,

A representative from Durham Technical Community College will be on campus Friday, April 21, from 12:00Noon-3:45PM in room C114 (The Black Box).  Program information and handouts, for College Promise, CTE Pathways, College Transfer, Placement Testing, and Scholarships will be shared.  Questions should be directed to Dr. Wooten, at 

Your Great Gatsby Prom is this Saturday at Chatham Mills. We have extended ticket sales to this week during lunch in the Cafe Commons.  Please see Ms. Marro if you need financial assistance with buying a prom ticket or a dress.

On Friday, April 21, the CHS National Achievers Society will host and celebrate the induction of new members at 10 am in the auditorium. Members are asked to please meet in the Cafe Commons at 9:30 am.

Have a great day!