Good morning,
The month of February is designated to acknowledge the achievements made by African American people throughout history. To honor Black History Month, Each day, we will recognize a historic figure that has helped society for the better. Today’s person of the day is:
- Barbara C. Jordan was the first black woman elected to the Texas state senate and the first black texan in congress. She gave the influential first speech of Richard Nixon’s impeachment hearings. She retired after three terms in congress.
It’s Cinderella’s Closet time again! Cinderella’s Closet provides formal wear for prom to junior and senior girls who could not otherwise afford it. Please see Ms. Crider for an application. Deadline is Tuesday March 7th!
Good Luck to Men's Golf and Women's Lacrosse away today. Women's Soccer is home at 6pm vs Riverside. Go Jags!
Are you interested in Southeast Asian food and want to support Burmese/Karen Refugee students to be able to visit family and friends in Thailand? Check your school email for further details.
Carrboro High School Track Night: Thursday, March 2nd 5:30-7:30 pm Fleet Feet Carrboro. Students and Parents will receive discounts on purchases of shoes and gear. Free Pizza and Drinks. All types of runners are welcome.
Interested in Theatre, Technical Theatre, or Yearbook? No experience needed to sign up! Make sure to also check out Film and Theatre Around the World. Who doesn’t want to watch movies? If you sign up for the film class, make sure to list another Theatre course as your alternate. Feel free to contact Ms. Stegall with questions.
Have you seen the flyers on the library windows? Anyone who has not purchased a yearbook but is in it at least 2 times (at this point) should have a flyer. Look for your name, take a reminder, and remember to purchase while supplies last. Please email if you believe there is an error.
Do you sing? Would you like to sing even better? You can just sign up for Concert Chorus. For more of a challenge, consider honors level choir classes next year. There is a 10 minute audition required. Se Ms. Johnson in C-111 for details OR google “CHS chorus and orch” and look under auditions for all that you need to prepare. Audition sign ups will be on the bulletin board outside C-111 for dates in March.
Have a great day!