Good morning,
The Carrboro Science
Olympiad team traveled to Jordan HS on Saturday to compete in the
regional Science Olympiad event. 25 They had a great time and did
exceptionally well.
The JV team received
seven first place medals:
Biology - Audrey Costley, Kate Allen
Detectives -James O'Brien, Kate Allen
Planet -Kate Allen, Paloma Baca
-Paloma Baca
-Maggie Jarrett, Sean Aiton
-Maggie Jarrett, Bhairavy
Stuff -Sean Aiton
The Varsity team won
ten medals as follows:
Four first places:
· Astronomy -Josh Abrams, Tejaz Ajit
· Chem Lab -Ben Moul, Natasha Dalmia
· Green Generation -Shai Caspin, Ojas Patwardan
· It's About Time -Josh Abrams, Jonathan Moul
These team members
will go on to the state competition on April 23.
Three second places:
· Dynamic Planet -Jonathan Moul, Trevor Wong
· Fossils -Josh Abrams, Ha Eun Lee
· Wind Power -Spencer Buebel
Three third places:
· Bottle Rocket -Simon Deshusse, Ben Moul
· Disease Detectives -Shai Caspin, Ha Eun Lee
· Invasive Species -Arushi Mahahan, Anjali
Abby Seagroves, you
are the winner of this week's Jaguar Justice drawing. Please see Ms.
Deeds for your prize.
Congratulations to the
TarHeel Robots for their amazing performance this past weekend at their last
regional competition in Raleigh earning them a spot in the quarter finals!
Tomorrow, March 16,
TRU Club will be having their annual "Kick Butts Day" during lunch in
front of the Media Center. Three students who pledge to never smoke will be
entered in a raffle to win a $15 Subway gift card. Come out and take the pledge
to quit or remain tobacco free!
With a limited supply
and less than 90 books left, please make sure to order your yearbook before
spring break. Once we run out, we are unable to print more. You can find the link in the daily
student announcement email or on the CHS website.
Interested in taking a
Theatre course next year? Theatre 1 - 4, Technical Theatre 1 - 4, and
Film and Theatre Around the World. Only students enrolled in a Theatre or
Technical Theatre course will be eligible but not obligated to participate in
the fall play next year. Sign up via the link on the daily
announcement email by Wednesday, March 16 for more information!
Interested in taking
Yearbook (Journalism) as a course next year? We are seeking photographers,
writers, leaders, organizers and any interested students. No experience
required! Sign up via the link on the daily
announcement email by Wednesday, March 16 for more information
"Interested in
running for an SGA officer position for the 2016-2017 school year? Then attend
the required SGA meeting at A-Lunch on March 16th!"
Hey Students!
It’s not too late! Join The Band Today! Make A Difference Tomorrow!
Big plans underway, but we need you to do it. It doesn’t matter what your
career plans are. Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Tony
Stewart, Michael Jordan, Alan Greenspan, Bill Clinton, and too many others to
name. They all did it! Yes, they All played in their high school
band! You can do it too! No experience necessary. See your
counselor to Sign Up!
Prom tickets are on
sale during lunch outside of the library, $40 for a single and $50
for a couple through March 16th. Our theme is Masquerade - A Night
in Disguise. Get excited for prom and come buy your tickets!

Any Junior or Senior
interested in taking the ASVAB exam for entrance into the military branches,
the test will be given at Chapel Hill High School at 8:45 a.m. on March
16th. You will need to provide your own transportation. Please email or see Ms.
Gallaher in student services if you have any questions.
Are you a Junior or Senior slam poet or actor that wants to do a brief performance piece (2-3 minutes max) on the dangers/consequences of impaired driving? We need you to help with our Mock Crash Assembly which will be held on Friday, April 29th 3rd period. Please see Linda Karcher in Student Services ASAP or email her at (Linda Karcher)
Students who are
traveling to Spain for Spring Break - This is a reminder that you have a
REQUIRED meeting on Wednesday, March 16 at 6pm in E116. Please plan to
attend! (Dumaine)
UNC Chemistry students
will talking about neuroanatomy on Thursday March 17th during lunch in D224.
They will have a human brain to show as part of the discussion.