Good morning,

Home Varsity Baseball
Game today vs Bartlett Yancey, game time is 5pm... Go Jags!
Congratulations to the
following Kick Butt’s Day raffle winners: Arjun Shonkar, Thomas Tomkins and
Lily Ervin! Thanks for pledging to be tobacco free! See Linda Karcher in
Student Services for your Subway Gift Cards! The TRU club thanks
all who participated at lunch yesterday.
Seniors interesting in
attending Senior Day at Durham Tech Community College on April 20th should see
their school counselor this week for more information. Permission forms are due
back before Spring Break.
With a limited supply
and less than 90 books left, please make sure to order your yearbook before
spring break. Once we run out, we are unable to print more. You can find the link in the daily
student announcement email or on the CHS website.
Interested in taking a
Theatre course next year? Theatre 1 - 4, Technical Theatre 1 - 4, and
Film and Theatre Around the World. Only students enrolled in a Theatre or
Technical Theatre course will be eligible but not obligated to participate in
the fall play next year. Sign up for a course when you register
and peak with Ms. Stegall if you have questions. There's a place for
Interested in taking
Yearbook (Journalism) as a course next year? We are seeking photographers,
writers, leaders, organizers and any interested students. No experience
required! Sign up for the course when you register, and speak with Ms.
Stegall if you have questions.
Hey Students!
It’s not too late! Join The Band Today! Make A Difference Tomorrow!
Big plans underway, but we need you to do it. It doesn’t matter what your
career plans are. Julia Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Tony
Stewart, Michael Jordan, Alan Greenspan, Bill Clinton, and too many others to
name. They all did it! Yes, they All played in their high school
band! You can do it too! No experience necessary. See your
counselor to Sign Up!
Are you a Junior or
Senior slam poet or actor that wants to do a brief performance piece (2-3
minutes max) on the dangers/consequences of impaired driving? We need you
to help with our Mock Crash Assembly which will be held on Friday, April 29th
3rd period. Please see Linda Karcher in Student Services ASAP or email her at
Seniors: Please
be reminded that all SECU Scholarship applications are due to Betty Wooten in
Counseling on Friday, March 18. One student nominee and one
alternate will be selected by our CHS Scholarship Committee and the names will
be submitted to SECU on March 25.