Good morning,
UNC Chemistry students will talking about gravitational waves and black holes today, Thursday March 10th during lunch in D224.
Home Softball game today at 4:30pm vs Voyager. Good luck Jags!
Come out and help CHS
celebrate CAUSE-Community Advocating Unity, Success, and Equity- at our annual
CommUnity Dinner, tonight, Thursday, March 10 from 6-8 pm. This is a free
and catered event that will be dedicated to our beloved Fred Lockwood and break
out forum sessions on various topics that affect the CHS community.
Please join us...remember "Change begins with Unity, and Unity begins with
With a limited supply
and less than 90 books left, please make sure to order your yearbook by Friday,
March 11th. Once we run out, we are unable to print more. You can find the link in the daily
student announcement email or on the CHS website.
Interested in taking a
Theatre course next year? Theatre 1 - 4, Technical Theatre 1 - 4, and
Film and Theatre Around the World. Only students enrolled in a Theatre or
Technical Theatre course will be eligible to participate in the fall play next
year. Sign up via the link on the daily
announcement email by Friday, March 11th for more information!
Interested in taking
Yearbook (Journalism) as a course next year? We are seeking photographers,
writers, leaders, organizers and any interested students. No experience
required! Sign up via the link on the daily
announcement email by Friday, March 11th for more information.
Hey guys! It's
that time of the year again: prom season! Tickets are on sale during lunch
outside of the library, $40 for a single and $50 for a couple through March
16th. Our theme is Masquerade - A Night in Disguise. Get excited
for prom and come buy your tickets!

Looking for a way to
make a difference, share your ideas? Apply online to our school newspaper
staff, the JagWire by March 11th. Currently accepting applications for the
2016-2017 staff. Spots are limited for next year, so visit
soon for the online application.
in running for an SGA officer position for the 2016-2017 school year? Then
attend the required SGA meeting at A-Lunch on March 16th!"
Junior or Senior interested in taking the ASVAB exam for entrance into the
military branches, the test will be given at Chapel Hill High School at 8:45
a.m. on March 16th. You will need to provide your own transportation.
Please email or see Ms. Gallaher in student services if you have any questions.