Good morning,

Congratulations to the
Men's Lacrosse Team, we defeated Chapel Hill last night 9-6...thanks to all our
C-Town supporters for getting behind your team and showing great sportsmanship!
The last day to sign
up track and field is today, Friday, March 25. Please see Athletic
Director April Ross to register.
Students participating
in the NAS Induction Ceremony at CHHS on Friday, March 25 should see Ms. Paige
IMMEDIATELY in D217 for a permission slip if they have not already done so.
Juniors and Seniors:
Prom 2016 is coming up soon and tickets are on sale during lunch in front of
the library. Current prices are set at $45 for a single and $60 for a
couple, but this will only last until March 25. Please join us for
desserts, dancing and disguises at Masquerade Prom 2016.
The SECU club is
collecting small, travel sized toiletries (like the ones in hotel rooms) to
place in the guest rooms at the SECU family house. If you're going away over spring
break, please consider donating some of these items. You can bring them into
the main office. Thank you
Seniors interesting in
attending Senior Day at Durham Tech Community College on April 20th should see
their school counselor this week for more information. Permission forms are due
back before Spring Break.
With a limited supply
and less than 90 books left, please make sure to order your yearbook before
spring break. Once we run out, we are unable to print more. You can find the link in the daily
student announcement email or on the CHS website.
Are you a leader? Do
you enjoy competition? Do you have ideas for a new or improved product or
service? There will be DECA Interest Meeting on April 7th (the first Thursday
we return from Spring Break) during both A & B Sessions of SMART Lunch. We
will discuss our tentative plans for our 2016-17 school year agenda, as well as
go over the process of how we will elect our officers for next year! The
meeting will take place in the Media Center, and we will have a lot to cover,
so please be as close to “on time” as possible!
Interested in making a
difference on a global scale? Get ready to help eliminate world hunger! Join
the CHS Global Issues class on April 26 from 7 pm - 8:30 pm in
the commons for an Oxfam Banquet. Food will be provided. Tickets are $3 for
students, $5 for adults and free for faculty and staff. See you there!
Are you a Junior or
Senior slam poet or actor that wants to do a brief performance piece (2-3
minutes max) on the dangers/consequences of impaired driving? We need you
to help with our Mock Crash Assembly which will be held on Friday, April 29th
3rd period. Please see Linda Karcher in Student Services ASAP or email her at
Coy Maddry Memorial Scholarship applications are available.
This is a faith based scholarship of $1000.00. Deadline is May 6.
See Coach Ross for an application.