Good morning!
Join HOUR OF CODE in the back classroom area the Media Center on TODAY - Thursday, December 11th during lunch. Be among 100 million students worldwide doing an hour of code during Computer Science Week. “Students are constantly using technology today,
but how many are learning to build it? Every 21st century student should learn computer science, yet fewer schools teach computer science that 10 years ago. The basics help nurture creativity and problem-solving skills, and prepare students for any future career.” Join the movement. Learn to CODE.
The annual winter band concert is Sunday, December 14th at 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium. The musicians would love to have a huge audience enjoy them for their performance.
We're going to Spain!
Interested in hearing more information about a trip to Spain for CHS students during Spring Break of 2016? Then please attend an informational meeting with your parents / families on Dec. 11, 2014 at 6:00 pm in E119. If you are interested in traveling but you are unable to attend the meeting, please feel free to email Bailey Dumaine at for more information.
Athletic Cross-training Opportunity
Professional athletes use dance training all the time to enhance their strength, flexibility, conditioning, balance, coordination, and agility. The CHS Theatre Department is offering a cross-training program for all CHS athletes. Led by local choreographer and costumer, Katie Moorehead, participants will learn new warm-ups, stretches, exercises, and moves to assist on the field and court, in addition to the stage. Currently, classes are free for student athletes. Email with interest and/or questions, or drop in on anyTuesday and/or Thursday in December from 5:30 - 7:30 PM in the Black Box.
Musical Theatre Workshop
There will be a Musical Theatre Workshop, open to all CHS students, Monday, December 15 - Thursday, December 18 from 4:00 - 6:30 PM in the CHS Theater. Come gain monologue coaching, vocal practice, and dance training that will help prep you for auditions. The cost is $40/student, and scholarships are available. No experience is required. Email if interested!
SENIOR ANNOUNCEMENT for Senior Information Lunch:
Information Lunch for current Seniors with CHS 2014 Graduates is scheduled for Tuesday, December 16, from 12:15-1:00PM in room C117. Pizza and drinks will be provided by our wonderful PTSA. Please let Dr. Wooten know if you did not complete the survey, so that we can include you in the food count.
( Thanks.
Carrboro High School Blood Drive. Make sure you sign up in front of the library at lunch to donate blood!!!
When: Friday December, 19 2014
Where Carrboro High school Gym
The National Achievers Society will hold a Shoebox Holiday Drive
for needy families within the CHS community. They are collecting
toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, hats, blankets, socks, gloves,
scarves, hair brushes, combs, soaps, shampoo, hand sanitizer, and tissue
packets from December 1st until December 12th. Donations can be taken to Ms. Paige’s room, D 217.
for needy families within the CHS community. They are collecting
toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, hats, blankets, socks, gloves,
scarves, hair brushes, combs, soaps, shampoo, hand sanitizer, and tissue
packets from December 1st until December 12th. Donations can be taken to Ms. Paige’s room, D 217.
TAKEDOWN Cancer Game Drive!
Attention all CHS Sports Teams we are challenging you to donate the most new unwrapped board games!! The team that donates the most games will win a Pizza Party!!
Jaguar Wrestling is accepting game donations on behalf of the UNC Pediatric Oncology Clinic. Please give an unwrapped board game to the Main Office or Jim Tignor by Dec. 17. Please help our young cancer patients at UNC! On Dec. 17, we will accept board games at the Wrestling Match vs Cummings. Match time is 7:30pm. Go Jags!
Attention all high school student poets and writers. Announcing:
CHCCS’s 2nd annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest!
Top contest winners in Fiction & Poetry receive monetary prices:
$500 first place
$250 second place
$100 third place
& the opportunity to read his/her work to the community!
Early Action Deadline: Dec 12
Final Deadline: March 13
E-mail submissions to Rae Mosher (
or turn in to the box in D221
Buy your yearbook! Right now, for a limited time, yearbooks cost $70, the
lowest price they will be all year. You can order online here:
IMPORTANT information for Juniors!
All Juniors will take the ACT at CHS on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.
Be prepared to do the best you can on this test! Take advantage of these test prep opportunities:
· FREE Princeton Review Prep!
o THIS TUES. December 9th 6:30 p.m. in the CHS Media Center—information & strategy session.
o Saturday, December 13th 2:00-6:00 p.m. at CHS—take a full, mock ACT test for practice.
o January 2015—get your mock test scores back to review and identify what areas you need to practice more to improve your scores.
o Contact Sara Nicholson to sign up or ask
· 8 Week Review Class (just $5 to cover copy expenses)
o Sunday afternoons at CHS, January 11th through March 1st.
o Led by UNC students
o Contact: to register by January 9th.