Monday, February 4, 2019

Student Announcements: February 4, 2019

February is CTE Month and to express the importance of our CTE programs here at CHS the CTE department has joined forces to celebrate the value of CTE and the achievements and accomplishments of our CTE programs and students. Each week in the month of February the CTE department will showcase one of its four program areas. Be sure to engage and support our CTE Month celebrations!

The Durham Tech rep will be here Wednesday. Email Ms. Coley ( for an appointment.

Applications for CCP at Durham Tech are available in the box outside of Ms. Coley's office in the CIC. Return completed applications to Ms. Coley ASAP.

Have you considered taking a gap year? You may wonder why take a gap year? USA Gap Year Fairs and Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate invite you to the Gap Year Fair on Saturday February 9th at Carrboro High School from 1-4pm to learn about gap year options and to connect with gap year program providers.

There will be a men's tennis interest meeting on Friday Feb. 8 at 12:30pm in the gym.

This week is the national Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action.  Check out the table in the Commons at  lunch and the flyers around school for more information!  

Ticket to Play this week Feb. 4-7 at lunch in the Commons.  See Coach Ross.

Wanna get published? Jagged Lines, the Carrboro High School literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions for the Spring 2019 edition. Send your short stories, poems, visual art, photography, and other publishable works to by March 15th. Feel free to email if you have questions about submissions.


Do you need Service Learning Hours? The CHS Quiz Bowl Team is hosting a tournament Saturday, February 16th from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. See Mr. Beichner or Arun Charkrabarty for more information or sign up here. You can earn at least 6 volunteer hours!


For all that are going to the Dominican Republic this summer with Global Glimpse (Mr. Klakovich's trip") Please come to a lunch meeting today in Room D214. Interested but not signed up? There are still a few more spots, come on by!

Attention CHS Jaguars! You are cordially invited to the 12th Annual Community Dinner next Thursday, February 7th from 6 - 8pm.  Join us for a delicious catered dinner, riveting remarks from Senator Howard Lee, and concluding with a student panel with perspectives from your very own CHS peers.  RSVP with the link in your email! Hope to see you there. All are welcomed!

The Smart Lunch subjects today are CTE, World Language, Arts, and Healthful Living

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