Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Student Announcements: February 26, 2019

We're wrapping up CTE month with a focus on the fashion design program and to help celebrate, UNC's beloved mascot, Rameses, will visit school during lunch TODAY. All students and staff are invited to meet him outside the commons. He will be ready for photos and head scratches beginning as soon as the lunch bell rings at 12:28. Rameses is a fiber-producing animal whose wool can be used to make textiles and other fiber-related goods. Come by to see a real example of where your clothes come from. Wool is one of the most widely used fibers in the fashion industry, and Rameses is looking forward to showing off his fluffy self! We will also have a textile-related activity available to anyone who needs a creativity break. We hope to see you there!

Need more service learning hours? Do you speak a language other than English? Volunteer as a translator at Registration Night March 4th at 6:30. Leave your name with Mrs. Jackson in the front office.

Come out Wednesday evening to learn about all that Durham Technical Community College has to offer. There will be a lot of information about earning college credit while in high school. 6 pm in the media center.

The following colleges will have representatives present on Thursday, February 28th to meet with students during lunch from 12:30 to 1:10 in the CHS commons.  This is a great opportunity for CHS juniors to meet with representatives as they narrow their college search.


UNC Charlotte

UNC Greensboro

Appalachian  State University

East Carolina University

South Carolina University

Saint Andrews College

Johnson and Wales

The Coy Maddry Memorial Scholarship applications are available from Coach Ross.  Deadline is May 1. This is a faith based scholarship of $1000. 41 scholarships will be given out to student athletes in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.

In need of a part-time job? University Place Chick-Fil-A will be interviewing at CHS tomorrow, Feb 27th. You must use your school email to sign up http://bit.ly/2GSEfPH. There are only 3 slots left. Email your CDC Ms. Coley (Lcoley@chccs.k12.nc.us) if you have questions.

The Smart Lunch subject today is Science

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.