Monday, October 18, 2021

Student Announcements: October 18, 2021

Picture retake day is tomorrow for grades 9-11, in order for you to participate you MUST fill out this form by 4pm on Monday, no exceptions. The form will close at 4 pm.You will receive an e-mail from Ms. Zirkle by Tuesday 8am telling you what time you should report to the gym for your photo. This e-mail will also serve as your pass to your teacher. Please know photographers will only be here 9-12, so don't miss your last chance for a photo for the Yearbook.

Click here to complete the form.

Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!


CHS Seniors:  October is Countdown to College Month, NC's annual campaign to support college access and completion of Residency Determination (RDS), the FAFSA, and college applications themselves, sponsored by College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC). 

  • ALL Wednesdays and Fridays 10/6-10/22 during Flex Time Counselors are available to help students with RDS, FAFSA, and applications at the tables in front of student services.

  • Students, please sign up ASAP using this Google Form, and counselors will make it happen in the Edficiency Flex Time system for students on that day.  

Seniors will be able to register for sessions from 10 am - 12:05 pm on the following dates:

  • Wed. 10/20

  • Fri. 10/22

STEM Tours 2022 and 2023

Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland

(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast.  The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais -  for more information.

Jagged Lines, the CHS literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions of short stories, poems, essays, and visual art. Upload your submission by November 19th using the Google Form in this announcement. (Murchison)

Conference Tournament and State Playoff Contests:

Just a reminder to Students: Student ID's are not valid for any conference tournament and state playoff contests. Carrboro will host volleyball on Monday October 18 in the Conference Tournament at 6pm. Tickets can be purchased on  Cost is $7.00 plus $1 surcharge. 

Winter Sports Tryouts

Winter Sports Tryouts will begin on November 1, 2021. Students must register online, have a current physical and be academically eligible. Go to:

Contacts:   Head Men's Basketball Torrance Jones

                  Head Women's Basketball  Sheremy Dillard 

                  Head Swim Coach  Dale Alton 

                  Head Dive Coach  TBA

                  Head Indoor Track  Mimi O'Grady

                  Head Wrestling  Jacob

Physical Exam for Sports:


Online Registration Instructions:

Questions? Contact Coach Ross,

All Students please remember to sign in when coming to the Student Services office.  There is a small table with a computer to sign in to as soon as you enter the suite.  

Seniors: If you would like assistance with completing the FAFSA, please plan to attend the FAFSA Day Drive-In. Please review the link for more information

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