Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!
Try-outs for Girl's Basketball will be November 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Please see Coach Dillard if you have any questions.
STEM Tours 2022 and 2023
Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland
(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast. The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais - cmorais@chccs.k12.nc.us for more information.
CACRAO+StriveScan Virtual College Fairs For High School Students: Monday, October 11th and Tuesday, October 12th 5pm-7:45pm Check out the link to see a list of participating colleges and register for sessions.
CHS Seniors: October is Countdown to College Month, NC's annual campaign to support college access and completion of Residency Determination (RDS), the FAFSA, and college applications themselves, sponsored by College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC).
ALL Wednesdays and Fridays 10/6-10/22 during Flex Time - Counselor availability to help students with RDS, FAFSA, and applications at the tables in front of student services.
Students, please sign up ASAP using this Google Form, and counselors will make it happen in the Edficiency Flex Time system for students on that day.
Seniors will be able to register for sessions from 10 am - 12:05 pm on the following dates:
Wed. 10/13
Fri. 10/15
Wed. 10/20
Fri. 10/22
Join Juntos:
Use the QR code on the flyer to register! Please reach out to Mrs. Crider with questions! Our first meeting will be during Flex Time on Wednesday, October 13th.
Carrborobotics Recruitment:
Are you interested in Carrboro High School's robotics team? One more informational meeting will be held on 10/15 during Flex Time in room D114. Please sign up for the meetings on Edficiency, Those who attended the 10/8 meeting do not need to attend this meeting. If you have any questions please contact Hugh Pugsley-Labrum at hjpusleylabrum@students.chccs.k12.nc.us, or Aanand Yu at alyu@students.chccs.k12.nc.us
Friday Flex time session for signing up for sports: This is for EL/Newcomer students and anyone else who needs assistance signing up for a winter or spring sport. Join us Friday during Flex Time. There will be Spanish interpreters. Sign up for the session called: Sports Registration for ESL Students and New Students to Carrboro HS
Viernes en el hora de Flex habrá una sesión para inscribirse en deportes: Esto es para los estudiantes EL/Newcomer y cualquier otra persona que necesite ayuda para inscribirse en un deporte de invierno o primavera. Únase a nosotros el viernes durante Flex Time. Habrá intérpretes españoles. Inscríbase para la sesión llamada: Inscripción de Deportes para Estudiantes de ESL y Nuevos Estudiantes a Carrboro HS (Mary Ollila)All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.