Thursday, October 28, 2021

Student Announcements: October 28, 2021

Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!

BBSC Sponsored Support Group for Students of Color in Honors & AP Classes (Friday, November 5th during Flex Time): Being a student of color in Honors/AP classes can feel very isolating! The purpose of this support group is to create a space where you can discuss your experiences with students who are going through the same thing as you. It is important for us to encourage and support one another! Go to Edficiency ( and request the session! If you have any questions contact , or 

STEM Tours 2022 and 2023

Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland

(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast.  The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais -  for more information.

Jagged Lines, the CHS literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions of short stories, poems, essays, and visual art. Upload your submission by November 19th using the Google Form in this announcement. (Murchison)

Winter One-Act Sign-ups

All CHS students are encouraged to audition and tech for this year's winter One-Act Festival. Directed by our Theatre 3 students, these one acts are short, comedic scenes. No need to prepare anything and no experience necessary! All materials will be provided during the auditions. Auditions will be held in the Blackbox (C114) after school on Thursday, November 4th from 4:00-5:30 or Friday November 5th during Flex Time.  Sign up for an audition date or tech role in the link in your email or by scanning the QR code on the flyers around the school by November 3rd. We hope to see you there!

CHS Football Announcement

Do you want to be a part of a Culture Change??  Do you value Commitment, Trust, and Care??  Are you a leader or want to gain leadership qualities??  If this sparks your interest, then you are a perfect candidate to join the Jaguar Football Program.  Notice I did not say team...Teams come and go, but Programs last and are built on core values!  Our "Culture Change" will begin on November 8th (Monday - Thursday 4:10 - 5pm) in the weight room.  All prospective athletes that are not in a winter sport are strongly encouraged to start now!  Our preparation to Win in 2022 begins now!  Please Sign up Here if you plan to play Football in 2022. Dare to be Great; If Nothing Changes, then Nothing Changes!

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Student Announcements: October 27, 2021

Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!

Senior Superlatives- SENIORS ONLY VOTE HERE! You must vote BY THURSDAY!- Winners will be contacted via e-mail by Ms.Zirkle

STEM Tours 2022 and 2023

Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland

(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast.  The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais -  for more information.

Jagged Lines, the CHS literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions of short stories, poems, essays, and visual art. Upload your submission by November 19th using the Google Form in this announcement. (Murchison)

Winter One-Act Sign-ups

All CHS students are encouraged to audition and tech for this year's winter One-Act Festival. Directed by our Theatre 3 students, these one acts are short, comedic scenes. No need to prepare anything and no experience necessary! All materials will be provided during the auditions. Auditions will be held in the Blackbox (C114) after school on Thursday, November 4th from 4:00-5:30 or Friday November 5th during Flex Time.  Sign up for an audition date or tech role in the link in your email or by scanning the QR code on the flyers around the school by November 3rd. We hope to see you there!

Governor's School 

10th and 11th graders:  Governor's School is a 4-week, residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students.  The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and it does not involve credit, tests, or grades.

Please contact Mr. Harkey if you are interested in Governor's School, and sign up for the Flex Time interest session Tues. 11/9.  Applications will be due to Mr. Harkey Tues. 11/23.

  • 10th graders can apply for Choral or Instrumental Music or Dance, and 11th graders can apply for any discipline - English, Math, Natural Science, Social Science, Spanish, Art, and Theater, in addition to those other three.

  • See for more information:  Overview, Intro Video, What Students Say, and the FAQ.

Men's Soccer

Wed. Oct. 27 Last regular season Home match vs Southern Durham at 6pm. It's Senior Night! Student ID's will work for this contest.

CHS Football Announcement

Do you want to be a part of a Culture Change??  Do you value Commitment, Trust, and Care??  Are you a leader or want to gain leadership qualities??  If this sparks your interest, then you are a perfect candidate to join the Jaguar Football Program.  Notice I did not say team...Teams come and go, but Programs last and are built on core values!  Our "Culture Change" will begin on November 8th (Monday - Thursday 4:10 - 5pm) in the weight room.  All prospective athletes that are not in a winter sport are strongly encouraged to start now!  Our preparation to Win in 2022 begins now!  Please Sign up Here if you plan to play Football in 2022. Dare to be Great; If Nothing Changes, then Nothing Changes!

All students interested in trying out must complete the online registration and have a current physical on file prior to November 1.

Winter Sports Tryout Dates/Times/Location

Men's Basketball:

November 1  4:00-6:00:pm  GYM

November 2  4:00-6:00pm

November 3   6:15-8:15pm

Women's Basketball

November 1  7:00am-8:30am GYM

November 2  7:00am-8:30am

November 3  4:15pm-6:15pm


November 1 4:00-6:00:pm Commons

November 2  4:00-6:00:pm

November 3   4:15pm-6:15pm

Indoor Track

November 15  4:15pm-6:00pm  Stadium

November 16  4:15pm-6:00pm

November 17  4:15pm-6:00pm


November 1 5:50pm-7pm  Community Pool

November 2  5:50pm-7pm

November 3  5:50pm-7pm


November 1 7:30pm-9pm UNC Natatorium 

November 3 7:30pm-9pm

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Student Announcements: October 26, 2021

Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!

Senior Superlatives- SENIORS ONLY VOTE HERE! You must vote BY THURSDAY!- Winners will be contacted via e-mail by Ms.Zirkle

STEM Tours 2022 and 2023

Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland

(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast.  The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais -  for more information.

Winter One-Act Sign-ups

All CHS students are encouraged to audition and tech for this year's winter One-Act Festival. Directed by our Theatre 3 students, these one acts are short, comedic scenes. No need to prepare anything and no experience necessary! All materials will be provided during the auditions. Auditions will be held in the Blackbox (C114) after school on Thursday, November 4th from 4:00-5:30 or Friday November 5th during Flex Time.  Sign up for an audition date or tech role in the link in your email or by scanning the QR code on the flyers around the school by November 3rd. We hope to see you there!

Governor's School 

10th and 11th graders:  Governor's School is a 4-week, residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students.  The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and it does not involve credit, tests, or grades.

Please contact Mr. Harkey if you are interested in Governor's School, and sign up for the Flex Time interest session Tues. 11/9.  Applications will be due to Mr. Harkey Tues. 11/23.

  • 10th graders can apply for Choral or Instrumental Music or Dance, and 11th graders can apply for any discipline - English, Math, Natural Science, Social Science, Spanish, Art, and Theater, in addition to those other three.

  • See for more information:  Overview, Intro Video, What Students Say, and the FAQ.

Field Hockey and Volleyball Playoffs

Field Hockey  Home 5pm vs Ardrey Kell 1st Round State Playoffs Tickets: Student ID's will not work for this event.

Volleyball Home 6pm vs Franklinton 2nd Round State Playoffs Tickets:  First 50 Students get in Free, compliments of the Volleyball Parents. 

Support your Jags!

CHS Football Announcement

Do you want to be a part of a Culture Change??  Do you value Commitment, Trust, and Care??  Are you a leader or want to gain leadership qualities??  If this sparks your interest, then you are a perfect candidate to join the Jaguar Football Program.  Notice I did not say team...Teams come and go, but Programs last and are built on core values!  Our "Culture Change" will begin on November 8th (Monday - Thursday 4:10 - 5pm) in the weight room.  All prospective athletes that are not in a winter sport are strongly encouraged to start now!  Our preparation to Win in 2022 begins now!  Please Sign up Here if you plan to play Football in 2022. Dare to be Great; If Nothing Changes, then Nothing Changes!

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Student Announcements: October 25, 2021

Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!

Senior Superlatives- SENIORS ONLY VOTE HERE! You must vote BY THURSDAY!- Winners will be contacted via e-mail by Ms.Zirkle

STEM Tours 2022 and 2023

Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland

(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast.  The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais -  for more information.

Field Hockey and Volleyball Playoffs

Field Hockey  Home 5pm vs Ardrey Kell 1st Round State Playoffs Tickets: Student ID's will not work for this event.

Volleyball Home 6pm vs Franklinton 2nd Round State Playoffs Tickets:  First 50 Students get in Free, compliments of the Volleyball Parents. 

Support your Jags!

Winter Sports Tryouts

Winter Sports Tryouts will begin on November 1, 2021. Students must register online, have a current physical and be academically eligible. Go to:

Contacts:   Head Men's Basketball Torrance Jones

                  Head Women's Basketball  Sheremy Dillard 

                  Head Swim Coach  Dale Alton 

                  Head Dive Coach  TBA

                  Head Indoor Track  Mimi O'Grady

                  Head Wrestling  Jacob

Physical Exam for Sports:


Online Registration Instructions:

Questions? Contact Coach Ross,

Governor's School 

10th and 11th graders:  Governor's School is a 4-week, residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students.  The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and it does not involve credit, tests, or grades.

Please contact Mr. Harkey if you are interested in Governor's School, and sign up for the Flex Time interest session Tues. 11/9.  Applications will be due to Mr. Harkey Tues. 11/23.

  • 10th graders can apply for Choral or Instrumental Music or Dance, and 11th graders can apply for any discipline - English, Math, Natural Science, Social Science, Spanish, Art, and Theater, in addition to those other three.

See for more information:  Overview, Intro Video, What Students Say, and the FAQ.

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Student Announcements: October 22, 2021

Flex Time Edficiency Requests: Don't forget to submit your requests for Flex Time! Click here to sign in using your school email and submit your requests. This is an opportunity to get help from your teachers, work on assignments, collaborate with your peers, or even sign up for Open Gym!

JagArts Seeks Singers Do you enjoy singing? JagArts is looking for additional lower range voices, ideally tenors and basses, to participate in our current musical revue of All Together Now!  No experience needed.  If you are interested, please email Ms. Stegall at by the end of the school day.

Jagged Lines, the CHS literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions of short stories, poems, essays, and visual art. Upload your submission by November 19th using the Google Form in this announcement. (Murchison)

STEM Tours 2022 and 2023

Big news, CHS students! You have the opportunity to travel to Japan (Spring Break 2022) and Germany and Switzerland

(Spring Break 2023). The deadline to enroll for the Japan tour is December 5, 2021, and the spots are filling out fast.  The Germany and Switzerland tour is also filling out fast. Contact Dr. Morais -  for more information.

All Students please remember to sign in when coming to the Student Services office.  There is a small table with a computer to sign in to as soon as you enter the suite.  

Seniors: If you would like assistance with completing the FAFSA, please plan to attend the FAFSA Day Drive-In. Please review the link for more information

Superintendent's Equity Ambassadors

This is a chance for students to collaborate with the superintendent and other students, develop their leadership skills, and have an active voice in identifying the equity needs of our school district.  Follow this link for more information and to apply.

11/3 Wellness Day - Station Ideas

Students, do you have an idea for a station you might want to help facilitate on our first Wellness Day?  Complete this form today, Fri. 10/22, and a staff member will get back to you about your idea.

All mail correspondence to and from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.