February is CTE Month and to express the importance of our CTE programs here at CHS the CTE department has joined forces to celebrate the value of CTE and the achievements and accomplishments of our CTE programs and students. Each week in the month of February the CTE department will showcase one of its four program areas. Be sure to engage and support our CTE Month celebrations!
Do you need Service Learning Hours? The CHS Quiz Bowl Team is hosting a tournament Saturday, February 16th from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. See Mr. Beichner or Arun Charkrabarty for more information or sign up here. You can earn at least 6 volunteer hours!
Wanna get published? Jagged Lines, the Carrboro High School literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions for the Spring 2019 edition. Send your short stories, poems, visual art, photography, and other publishable works to CHSJaggedLines@gmail.com by March 15th. Feel free to email if you have questions about submissions.
The CHS Chorus is holding auditions for next year during SMART Lunch and after school this week. You don't need to audition to join Concert Choir, but students interested in earning Honors Credit for being in chorus will need to audition this week. See Ms. Puhala or go to our website at carrborohschoir.weebly.com for more information.
Blue Ribbon Youth Leadership Institute will have a meeting today in D217. There will be a campus representative from North Carolina Central University sharing information about the Latinx experience at a Historically Black University. This is a great opportunity to learn more about NCCU and ask any questions. Information on our service-learning project this Saturday will also be available.
Join us on Friday, February 22, in the auditorium for our annual African-American Read-In to celebrate literary works that honor the African-American experience. Using the Google Form in the daily announcements, sign up to read or perform your favorite poem or prose excerpt by an African-American author, or your own original piece that celebrates African-American culture.
The Smart Lunch subject today is Social Studies
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